Free, Free, I’m Free

This week’s topic is free- we sometimes have a free week to talk about whatver we want. Hmmm. Freedom to talk about whatever I want. Hmmm. *taps chin with index finger* Let’s see. What is on my mind this week? Wait. I know. I know. I’ll talk about this book I read on Saturday. It was good and maybe some of you will be interested in it.

It’s called The Graveminder and is by Melissa Marr. It has a really cool premise. In the early days of this country being settled, 1712 to be exact, the townspeople made a bargain with Charles otherwise known as Mr. D., to protect the town and its inhabitants. Traditionally, the graveminder and the undertaker must work together to keep the dead from walking. Their job is to tend to the graves and the dead.

When the most current graveminder is killed, the new graveminder, who has no idea who she is, must not only bury her grandmother, the prior graveminder, but must save the townspeople from some of the walking dead. She also must deal with her past history with the new undertaker.

This is so not a zombie book so don’t think it is. It’s a well crafted story with an interesting premise. The author is quite adept at descriptions and her underworld sounds like a great place to visit, if not stay. I really enjoyed the story and think it was a unique spin on the underworld stories that are trending right now.

In the comments section, let me know if you’d be interested in reading it. If so, I’ll randomly draw a name to mail my copy to. I don’t have room to keep all the books I read, so I pass them on. Here’s a link to the author’s website:

About Author

The author of these blog posts is a lawyer by day and fiction writer by night.
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11 Responses to Free, Free, I’m Free

  1. Tonette says:

    Good, not a zombie book. If it isn’t zombies, then it sounds really interesting…put me down for it….THANKS.I have passed books on but more often I loan books…a lot of mine are out-of-print.I often rescue classics dumped from libraries; I therefore have my own, and it’s even a ‘lending library’!


  2. jeff7salter says:

    Sounds fascinating. And I’d love to have my name in the hopper for the drawing!


  3. Micki Gibson says:

    Definitely sounds interesting. Is it a YA? I recognize the author’s name. But I have to admit, my To Be Read pile is growing again. Threatening to rat me out to every author I’ve told, “I can’t wait to read your book.” Which is true, buuuuuutttt…there’s that pesky thing called LIFE which likes to get in the way and you know how easily distracted I get. “Squirrel!” 🙂


  4. Laurie Ryan says:

    That is one of the most unusual premises I’ve seen in quite a while. Kudos to the author for thinking outside the box. I’ve got a TBR pile that’s too big, so don’t need to add another to it. But it does sound interesting.


  5. Lavada Dee says:

    I love it when I dig out a book from and unknown author and it’s a great read. Like Laurie my TBR pile is a nightmare — maybe more like a dream. I’m digging around in it lately and have found some gems. GREAT TO BE FREE


  6. Hey, Tonette- I had my son draw names and you get the book- email me your mailing address at Jillianchantal (at) Gmail (dot) com and I’ll send it on.


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