Try Your Hand

I was so glad that I became the “Friday” Fox, as I was not sure what was expected and I had all week to check what everyone else was doing for “Writing Prompt”. However, all the others took it at different angles, so I will be different, too.
Here you are, romance writers and romance readers; finish the story:

It was dark, but still hot and her sister had used that as the excuse to take their visiting cousin and her out for a frozen drink. That sounded charitable, but that was a way to get the family car and go to the local drive-in that was a favorite hang out for all the cool kids…and some loser wanna-bes.
She was only half-listening to some of the banter that her sister was engaged in with the older kids, most of whom she did not care for. She had been having a lot of kid-type fun with the younger cousin, and the Summer was young yet, in fact, it did not start for a few more hours. It was the last day, or night rather, of Spring, and that could have described her, as well; she was on the cusp of the Spring of childhood and the Summer of young-womanhood.
Suddenly the noise of a motorcycle next to the open window of the car made her sit up. Her sister leaned farther out of the driver’s side window and greeted the young man on the chopper. Oh, oh, MY! She slinked back into the seat and whispered to the cousin,” He is so CUTE! Oh, my God! You have to look at him!” The shy little cousin did, quickly, and slinked back down into the seat as she had. Oh, yes, the cousin had to agree, he was cute! “Cute” really wasn’t what she had in mind, or wherever that new feeling was coming from. She kept stealing looks and giggling with her cousin. Then she heard the car start and her sister say to the young man, “I have to get these kids home, it’s my sister’s birthday”. “Whose?”, he asked. As if it was her cue, she popped up into the car window and smiled at him. He turned to her and….

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
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5 Responses to Try Your Hand

  1. This one is def. homework for the class. Nice job!


  2. Jeff Salter says:

    and said, “why it’s my birthday … and I’ve been promised a motorcycle ride. Do you know where we can borrow a motorcycle?”


  3. tonettejoyce says:

    Short answer, Jeff, but an amusing one.
    This is actually a scene from my life.(And that’s not what happened next).


  4. Diane Davis says:

    …asked if she were the birthday girl. She replied with a shy smile, “Yes! And we have plenty of birthday cake if you’d like to come back and have some with us.”

    “That would be great, there’s almost nothing I like more than birthday cake.” He winked at the older sister. “Almost…”


  5. tonettejoyce says:

    Good, Diane,thanks! And may I add…I WISH!


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