Guest:Author Joselyn Vaughn

This week I welcome as a guest, author Joselyn Vaughn, who graciously jumped in and volunteered to be interviewed when one of my future guests postponed and, well, I lost track of the schedule!
Joselyn and I are Facebook friends and we have many mutual friends, including a few here at 4F,1H.
So let’s get right in to getting to know her better.
Welcome and thank you for coming in on such short notice, Joselyn!

Author Joselyn Vaughn

Author Joselyn Vaughn

No problem! Happy to be here.

You write romances; why?

I love happy endings and when two people find love. My books are romantic comedies. No one is in real mortal danger in the stories and hopefully the reader has a few giggles.

Do you lean toward Happily Ever After,(HEA), or Happy For Now, (HFN)?

Definitely, happily ever after. I hope the couples are able to spend the rest of their lives together, especially since some of them take a while to work things out.
At least two of your novels have major characters that are older couples. How did you decide to write from their experiences, since you are so young.(Yes, you are!)

Not everyone who falls in love is 23, 25, or 30. Love bewitches all ages and their stories deserve to be told. It makes figuring out their stories trickier because they have decades more life experience, have become more set in their ways, and more determined to get what they want. You also have to make sure their history matches up with actual history. In Hauntings of the Heart, at first Gordon was going to enlist in the army and fight in World War II, then I realized that he would have been a Baby-Boomer.

How do you become inspired for your stories and characters?

Most of my stories pop into my head with an opening line or event. In for a Pound developed while I was running along the lake and wondered about a canoe race and what if one of the contestants didn’t show up? Sucker for a Hot Rod developed from the question what if a car guy couldn’t fix the girl’s car? Each question spawns more. The stories take on a life of their own, adding details and explanations as they go.

Do you base any characters on people that you know?

Not really. I pull characteristics, interests, and stories, but I can’t say that any character is someone I know. Sometimes long after a story is done I will meet someone and realize they are exactly like one of my characters. It’s kinda strange.

Joselyn Vaughn's "Seeing You Again"

Joselyn Vaughn’s “Seeing You Again”

Do you base your stories on places where you have traveled ?

The settings are fictional places in western Michigan where I live. They aren’t based on actual places, but on places like ones I’ve been too.

Where have you lived?

I’ve spent most of my life in west Michigan. My husband and I lived in Seattle for a year and a half right after we got married. I went to the University of Washington to get my library science degree.

The description you sent of your life is a riot! Can you tell us a bit about your life? You have young children; when do you find time to write?

My youngest started kindergarten this year and I have three days where I can actually hear the kitchen clock tick. I am trying to use those hours to get words on the page. When they aren’t in school, I write um… after they go to bed? Sometimes when they actually go to bed on time.
My kids are in second grade and kindergarten. My son loves to write in his journal at school. It’s one of my favorite questions to ask what he wrote about. My daughter writes stories about dogs named Pencil Sharpener (sometimes they are named the Spanish word for pencil sharpener.). The youngest is just starting to write her letters. I wonder what she will come up with.
I also run… a lot. I’m trying to do 2,015 miles in 2015. I thought it wouldn’t be that hard because I did 2,000 last year. What’s 15 more miles, right? Well, it’s been tough. However, I have discovered that Facebook likes to share any post-run pictures I upload, so I have to contemplate how that can be used for marketing or something.

Do you write anything else or in another genre?

So far, just romantic comedies. I’d love to write historicals someday.

You have a lot to fill your time. Like me, like to look for treasures in thrift shops, right?
(I , too, like to sew but my skills are also far from tailor-shop.)

Thrift stores are so much fun! I love finding unique things or that one thing I never knew I needed. I’m interested in trying refashioning clothing items. I follow a couple blogs where the women come up with cute tops and dresses, but my items aren’t quite as cute or wearable. Have to keep trying, I guess.

How can our readers find out more about you and your works?

All kinds of information about my books is available about my books on my website:

Thank you so much, Joselyn Vaughn! Joselyn said that she’d be available for any comments and questions…anyone?

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
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21 Responses to Guest:Author Joselyn Vaughn

  1. Pingback: Guest:Author Joselyn Vaughn | Joselyn Vaughn

  2. Patricia Kiyono says:

    Welcome, Joselyn! So happy to see another West Michigander here. That’s two this week! Tonette touched on your awesome writing accomplishments, but I think it’s important to mention that ALL of your many books have been published since your twins came along only seven years ago – so you’ve ALWAYS had to write around your kids’ schedules! I loved reading Seeing You Again as well as Hauntings of the Heart – wonderful second chance stories. Of course your books about younger couples (Sucker for a Hotrod, CEOs Don’t Cry, and Climbing Heartbreak Hill are the ones I’ve read so far) are awesome too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Joselyn, I enjoyed reading this interview.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. jeff7salter says:

    Welcome, Joselyn. In the several interactions you and I have had, I don’t recall that I knew you were a degreed librarian… and don’t recall whether I told you that I also have the MLS. I was in libraries for nearly 30 years (’76 to 2006).
    Enjoyable interview. I believe some of your inspiration for stories comes about like mine — look out the window and see something and think, “What if…?”
    Running all those miles consumes a lot of time. Have you even been in the middle of a stretch (of miles) and realized, “Hey, I need to write down that thought before I forget it.” ?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Joselyn says:

      Most definitely. I’m sure I’ve left some really good snippets out on the road.

      I was reference librarian/assistant director for about 7 years before the twins were born. I haven’t decided if I will go back or not. I like this writing gig (and being available for whatever the kids need is pretty nice too).

      Liked by 1 person

      • jeff7salter says:

        I worked reference in both Sci. Div. and Humanities Div. of the LSU Middleton Lib. as a grad. asst. while in grad school.
        After that, I was in lib. admin. the whole time. Public libraries in Catahoula Parish and Caddo Parish (i.e., Shreveport) LA

        Liked by 1 person

    • I guess we all have! I used to have a mini tape recorder.I know I spoke into it a lot, but if the ideas are any good, I have no idea.Two broke in a row for me and even when they worked, it was a pain to transcribe!…I still have mini-tapes around here in a box somewhere…

      Liked by 2 people

  5. trishafaye says:

    Hi Joselyn! It’s great to see you here. I enjoyed reading the post and finding out more about you and your writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Joselyn! Loved Hauntings of the Heart – it definitely made me giggle! Your explanation for why you’ve written a few novels with older couples in them is just beautiful. “Love bewitches all ages and their stories deserve to be told.” YES. You do a wonderful job in the telling.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. J.Q. Rose says:

    What a delightful interview. Great questions and answers from Joselyn in her own witty and warm way. Greetings from another West Michigander. I love J’s HEA endings.

    Liked by 2 people

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