Serious Series Suggestions

About a week ago a question was posed in a Facebook writer’s group:

 “Can you give me any advice on writing a series?”

I weighed in, then I thought that, in a longer version, it might make a good post here on 4F,1H.

I have never had any intention of writing a series, but I have read many.  I will start out with advice that I read somewhere. It has served me in my own, single works:

“Don’t hold back on your in your writing, even if you intend to continue the storyline. Don’t be afraid that you will be left without enough material for subsequent books, because good stories and good writing begets more. If you don’t put your best effort into your ‘first’ book, you may not get even that one published, let alone a second.”

In other words, if you come up with many lines, descriptions or scenes with what you think are funny or have good depth, don’t think,
“Oh, gosh, I better save some of these for the next book because I don’t know if I can come up with more.”

You will come up with more if your heart is in the story.

Shoot your bolt; your quiver will refill.

I have read a number of one or two books in would-be series that were dropped. Most had far too many unanswered plot holes. Some of the books made me lose interest to find out what happened because it was too obvious that the writer wanted you to come back to find out the answers, and we never could, because the writer never got enough interest to have that storyline continued to be published.

Leave doors open in your story, but not too many. Leave the reader feeling full and they will come back.

 You need to make your readers come back because they were satisfied, at least, to some extent. The Harry Potter books are a great example. There was always more that needed to be revealed, but most of the problems of any one book were tied up at the ends of each. The Stephanie Plum books are the same. Almost all successful series have plotlines that have sustaining threads, with lingering questions, but you can’t leave all of the questions hanging. You can do a cliff-hanger if you are wildly successful, but I would not plan on that, and you aren’t going to be wildly successful without a caring, dedicated, satisfied fan base.

There is one book which was given to me where the writing is actually quite good, and I found the storyline interesting, but things were wrong with it. One was, as you all know, my biggest peeve:

The writer did not do her homework.

 She had a religious leader of another faith doing something that was not in the least bit acceptable when it came to his cooperation with the other religious leaders. The likelihood of there even being a group of people of that faith, let alone big enough of a congregation to have a clergyman in this small, rural town was unbelievable enough, but that he was involved with the ecumenical clergy and others in burial rites was ridiculous. This faith keeps strict observances and segregation in cemeteries for people of their faith. I suppose the writer wanted to be inclusive, but it was just wrong and those she wished to include would not be happy with what she wrote.

Then, she described the only supernatural beings involved as having every attribute accepted in lore for one particular type of being, yet the writer denied that they are actually that specific type. No, she claimed, they were something else altogether. Well, the old ,“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”, fit there and if  they were, indeed, ‘something else’, she never let us know in any way why they were not what anyone else would recognize as a ‘duck’, (as it were). We were not even given a hint; just her word that they were not the ‘things’ that she  so otherwise ‘accurately’ described. However, that was just one of many, no, actually, every point in the book that she left dangling.

Not one question was answered. Not one “How” or “Why”. She gave the readers a few indications from cryptic conversations by two characters who died early in the book, and some hints from two other characters’ threats, but the protagonist and the man who was to be her partner, (and was probably intended to become her love interest), did not have the knowledge that they needed to do the work they seem to have inherited.
All information hinged on what the dead characters had not passed down before their untimely deaths, (although both had been senior citizens), no indication from the antagonists as to why wanted their ‘rightful’ inheritance of position, nor any counsel to the main characters from the clergy that did not (yet) happen in this first, and last, volume.

Not much happened to advance the story in this book. The writer erroneously assumed that everyone would come back to find out what was left unsaid or undiscovered. Readers will not, not if they fear that they will only get more unanswered questions, feeling empty inside. I would have read a second volume to find out the rest, IF I knew that I would, indeed, find out at least some of the answers so that I could get involved with the characters and the work that they needed to do. However, I might also be worried that I would be burned again. As I said, the writing was good, but I could not recommend this book to anyone, nor am I sorry that it did not continue, not in the style the first had been written.

Much like the advice I have given to a number of writers who start out, “Don’t use exclamation points unless it’s in dialogue and someone is yelling, and then do so sparingly. Don’t tell your readers to be excited, make  them excited.” ,in the same vein for this advisory I will add: Don’t tell your readers that they won’t come back to read more of your work unless you only bait them. Trust them, (and yourself), that they will like what they read and they will want more from you. 

Lack of continuity is another big mistake that many series writers make. It happened twice to a NY Times best-selling author I know. One of her ‘trilogies’ never made it past the second book because she changed the storyline from the first successful volume. It was a BIG MISTAKE; she left me hanging on some points from the first book and I was totally uninterested in the direction of the second. How she could have tied everything up in a third slim volume is another good question, the answer that we will never know. She also lost a lot of fans of her long-running, wildly popular and fun series when she took a dark turn in it. She tried to recover, but that was the end of her NYT listings, her book tours, and it cost her in subsequent series publication and sales. (I just read this week that they are trying to revive one of her series. I wish her luck. I hope that she learned a lesson.)

So I will ask you:

Have you written or have you considered writing a series?

If you write a series, what rules or criteria do you follow?

What advice would you give this writer since, more than likely, you have at least read more than one series?

What pitfalls would you try to help a writer avoid?

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
This entry was posted in advice, authors, big plans, Books, creating scenes, decisions, dialogue, free week, goals, helping others, imagination, inspiration, Life, novels, reading, series, subplots, teaching, Tonette Joyce, using talents, Words, Words of Wisdom, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Serious Series Suggestions

  1. Jeff Salter says:

    Lots of excellent advice herein, including the paragraph beginning with “Don’t hold back on your in your writing,”
    Now, to answer one of your questions: I’ve released three 2-vol series so far and each of those series has another book or two planned. Whether I’ll ever find time to flesh them out remains to be seen. But I love my characters (in each) and I think there is a wealth of their interaction left for me to explore.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Personally, I don’t like or read series, unless the author makes it clear that the books stand on their own. When I read a book, I want a satisfying end to the story at the end of that book, not have to continue reading who knows how many books to finally get to a conclusion. These aren’t soap operas, but that’s the way they make me feel. Yes, I’ve read a few in the past, but because of the disappointment I’ve always felt at the end of the first books, I stopped choosing series that go on and on.

    The first four books I wrote had reappearing characters in them, but the reader didn’t have to read the preceding books to know important details of what happened to those characters in the current story to understand their emotions or actions. Enough of the details were given in small bits of backstory. The characters were those loved by the author, as well as some of my readers, so they were reintroduced. One of them demanded to have her story continued with a new (and satisfying ending for her) in a book of her own. “You can’t just leave me this way!” I kept hearing, so eventually, I gave in to her demands. 🙂

    As far as advice to any writer goes, I’d tell them, “Research, research, research, and more research until you know the topic, locale, and anything else you write about as though you were the character in the story. Also, don’t just tell the story, put yourself into the roles and be the characters, every one of them. Act out the parts through your fingers.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Absolutely; there is no excuse in this day and age of information for any writer to be lazy about research and try to fake it. It simply does not work.
      I certainly also agree with you about series, recurring characters are good as long as the writer wraps up the stories in each one, and good if the writer can ARTFULLY give a little background without burdening the faithful reader with too much rehashing.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Elaine Cantrell says:

    That’s great advice. The closest I ever came to a series is Return Engagement and Blue 52. Each of the books dealt with a different generation, but characters from Return Engagement were an essential part of Blue 52. I have a third book written, but I’m not happy with it yet. To me, Blue 52 was just the logical place to stop, yet I still set up a possible third book at the end of the story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You may return to it, Elaine, but you did it right by leaving a possibility to just end when you did, if need be.
      Far too many successful series have been dragged out just for $$$ when the storyline and characters are just beaten to death already.


  4. Patricia Kiyono says:

    I’ve written one four-book series and two that were supposed to be at leave five-book series that ultimately ended with two stories. You’re right in that the books need to be able to stand alone. I’ve got characters that return in succeeding books, but the main conflict in each book needs to be wrapped up.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You have the right attitude with yours,Patty. Also, as I said to Elaine, far too many series have run way past their natural lives just because the publishers and authors want to keep the gravy train going, and it is a shame.


  5. trishafaye says:

    No series here yet. (Yet.) I have a cozy mystery that I’ve been playing with for the past three years. I even got Chapter 1 written. And I even took an 8-week class this past year.
    And there it sits. on the backburner where other books keep pushing it. But I think the real issue is that I don’t feel knowledgeable enough yet to dive into a mystery. And sometimes we’re our own worst problems when we let those fears forestall us.
    But, on the plus side, your post here and comments about series will be good fodder for when I finally do make the leap.
    Thanks for some great thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks, Trisha. Doubts lead to procrastination and we have addressed that many times here,(my arch-nemesis!).On the other hand, I applaud you for not pushing ahead when you feel unprepared. I wish that many, many other writers would realize that they needed more prep for their works, instead of floundering and faking their way through.


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