Not Written in Stone

“Has anything about your writing routine changed since you first began?”

Oh, gosh, yes.

When I decided that I was going to seriously get into writing, it was mostly non-fiction. Just getting my thoughts, research, and facts in order was easy enough. I even wrote while on lunch breaks when I was working. I found getting published fairly easy.

When life changed, it changed big-time, and my life keeps changing ‘big-time’. Previously, I could write in the evenings or late at night when The Husband was working and I was alone,(or whoever was here was occupied or asleep). Even then it went pretty smoothly.

Then things got really complicated. I would go long periods of not-writing and then do so in spurts. Nearly all of what I was writing was fiction, except posts, for here and for my other cooking and entertaining blog.

A few years back I was in an accident, I needed major surgery at the same time The Husband was pressed into early retirement. He has been supportive of my writing, but when it is completed. The time it takes to gather thoughts and put them onto the PC is something that he doesn’t quite understand. He gets interested, and the questions start and, well, if you write, you know that simply doesn’t work…at all.

He also has found the joys of the internet, which means that he takes the only computer that is online, which happens also to be the one where I generally write.

To be fair, there are two other PCs here, one is way underpowered and not in a convenient place. It was our first PC, with far memory than my way out-of-date smartphone. The other is also no longer supported against viruses because it is too old, but The Husband invested into it with updating, adding RAM and the like. I can use that at a desk in the living room, which is where I worked years back. At least, I THINK that I can. Most of my WIPs are on flash drives, although one has a lot of support material also on the main PC. Of course, there is also the incapability on the online one of looking something up immediately while on that one.

(Aside: How much do you want to bet that I get everything set up on the other PC and The Husband starts playing games there again?)

There have been a number of other changes in my life. Several times I expected to have an empty nest over the last several years, only to have people boomerang back, and  that is happening now. Even when they aren’t, I still find myself on the phone or texting or running errands because of other family members need, so getting a set time to write has been hard. With the recent returnees, I do not have the mornings to myself, which has been the best time for me to write while The Husband is asleep.
But the nest will be empty again soon.
Dealing with Granddoggy alone has kept me hopping.

 I have enjoyed my stint here at 4F,1H. I am not near other writers with whom I feel that I can join for real discussions and supprt. I haven’t found any online groups for myself, so getting to know many others and their processes through communications by interviewing has been very helpful.  I enjoyed interviewing greatly, but that has just slipped. Although I discovered many wonderful writers and their books, I realized this week that I was accepting far too many books in which I have no interest, of starting books which I have not found exactly enthralling, and putting off reading many books published by those whom I know and like because I was out hunting for guests.

Plus, interviewing takes time; setting up bookcovers and pictures in time consuming, especially when, (as I am finding more and more), the guests don’t pay attention to my guidelines. When they do, it makes everything go smoothly. (The more successful and busier the guest, generally the easier and more cooperative they are. The old “The bigger they are, the nicer they are” is a good generalization when it comes to authors.) So, I am taking a break from  interviewing, at least  for a while.

What I have continued to find helpful is interaction on Facebook with other writers, and the blogs to which I am directed from there. There is where I find advice and inspiration to continue to write.

So, yes, once again I am in a state of flux and change. The timing of this topic could not have been more appropriate; had it shown up more than a week ago, it would have had entirely different content.

I wish I could tell you what my routine is now, but there just isn’t one, but one must come.

I simple have to shed some of the old and embrace the new. Change is good.

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
This entry was posted in advice, author's life, big plans, blogging, Books, Daily life, Dealing with stress, editing, Family, friends, Guest, helping others, imagination, inspiration, inspirational people, interview, jobs, Life, Miscellaneous, non-fiction, novels, poetry, Preparing for writing, procrastination, publishing, reading, research, short stories, time management, Tonette Joyce, writers, writing and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Not Written in Stone

  1. Patricia Kiyono says:

    Looks like we’re all experiencing changes in our lives. Hopefully, the upheaval will end soon and you’ll be able to settle into a routine that suits you and will allow you to become productive.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elaine Cantrell says:

    I’m a creature of habit so I’ve never taken change well, not if I was content having things a certain way. But all of life is about change so it’s better to embrace it and just go with the flow. I hope you soon settle into a routine that suits you so you can get back to writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. If we aren’t changing, we’re not growing. So you’re right, Tonette. “Change is good.” I’m sure you’ll fall into your niche. Just be patient.

    Every time I finish publishing a book and begin a new WIP, I feel the change. But that’s part of the excitement of it. It’s not something to worry about, but enjoy, like a trip to a new vacation destination. 🙂

    My next stop in a WIP for a novel is Colorado. It means another change because there are many things I didn’t experience while visiting there in the past, or I just don’t know about the Rockies. My way of research won’t change, but my life will because I expect to learn more about some of my friends who have been there, and I hope to meet new friends along the way, as I did with my last novel’s research.

    Embrace the change, Tonette. It’s an exciting part of life. 🙂


    • You are so right.I tell my kids and grandkids to experience and learn at every chance because it is all growth and all good.
      Again, let me know if you have any questions about living in Colorado.It is easy to make assumptions about the snow and cold, but there is so much more and they all handle it well there.


  4. Jeff Salter says:

    Prior to 2006 I did not have my “own” computer for personal use. Thankfully I could use my office computer on Saturdays.] When my wife bought a desktop PC — a brand name nobody would even recognize now — I quickly learned that sharing it did not work at all for me… and likely not for her. Not to mention it was in the same room with the TV.
    Anyway, I finally got a little Dell laptop in 2006 — and that was what I wrote my first two novels on. But I found the laptop very inconvenient to use… not to mention it had so few ports. So I was constantly plugging and unplugging to simply deal with things like printing, backups, etc. What a hassle.
    I guess it was about the time we built and our new house featured a study just for ME that I got my first desktop. The one I have now is 3 or more machines down the road…. and I seem to have enough plugs finally.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it isn’t convenient at all to share a computer. As I said, there are several for me to choose from, but getting uninterrupted time on any of them is the real trial.
      So glad that you are up and with us, Jeff! Don’t overdo it ,(as I tend to do).


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