Where Shall I Start?

Image from Depositphotos.com

This week’s topic is one I suggested: “What’s first on your to-do list for 2023?” I guess it’s the list-maker in me that made me think of this. Each evening, I make a to-list for the following day. When I get up in the morning, I’m less likely to putz around wasting time if there’s a visual reminder of what needs to be done that day. Generally, I’ll make my list before I sit down for the evening and watch TV with a sewing or craft project, because that’s my way of winding down from the day’s activities. But I don’t think I’ve ever made a list for the year. Maybe it’s time. Since I can’t exactly sort out what’s first on my list until I make the list, please indulge me while I create my “pie in the sky” list for 2023.

Several of the things I hope to get done next year center around my living space. I’ve been in this condo for about fifteen months now, and while I’m quite comfortable here, there are things that need to be done before too long. While I’m comfortable enough sleeping in the basement, it’s odd that the master bedroom on the main floor is not being used. At the very least, it should be ready and available for guests. Among the many projects that will contribute to that overall goal are these tasks:
1. Complete renovations on the master bath
2. Clear out master bedroom so that it’s a bedroom instead of being used as a storage area
3. Figure out what to do with “stuff” in boxes all over the place
4. Use up and/or donate large quantities of fabric in the sewing room so that some of the “stuff” stored in the master bedroom can be properly stored in the craft/sewing area of the basement

I’ve also got things I want to do for self-improvement. These are on-going, but maybe if I write them down I’ll be more mindful of them and can eke out some improvement:
1. Walk/exercise more regularly
2. Eat more sensibly (I love vegetables and fruit, but I LOVE my carbs!)
3. Spend less time staring at my screen devices
4. Practice my instruments more consistently so that I’m prepared for performances

Then, of course, there are the writing projects:
1. Complete at least one sequel to The Samurai’s Garden
2. Research and write another short story based on Japanese mythology
3. Complete regency holiday romance
4. Learn how to self-publish so that my homeless books will be available again

So here’s my list of projects for 2023. Where will I start? All three of these categories are important to me but as I pondered this, I realized that I can’t do anything unless I’m healthy. At my most recent physical, I was told I’m in good health “for my age” but that certain numbers are higher than they should be (blood pressure, A1C, cholesterol, and weight). So perhaps I ought to begin the year by focusing on self-improvement. Being healthy for my age is okay, but I intend to be around for some time, and in order to get the rest of my to-do list done, I need to take care of myself. As I’m writing this, most of the continental US is preparing for a major snow storm. I don’t expect to drive anywhere for the next 48 hours, possibly more. As soon as I complete and upload this post, I’m going to look for some exercise videos that will get me up and moving. And then I’m going to prepare a nice healthy meal. 

Hopefully, I’ll keep my hands away from all the candy I’d planned to put in the 13 stockings I made for the grandkids and great-grands! 

About Patricia Kiyono

During her first career, Patricia Kiyono taught elementary music, computer classes, elementary classrooms, and junior high social studies. She now teaches music education at the university level. She lives in southwest Michigan with her husband, not far from her five children, nine grandchildren (so far), and great-granddaughters. Current interests, aside from writing, include sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking, and music. A love of travel and an interest in faraway people inspires her to create stories about different cultures. Check out her sweet historical contemporary romances at her Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-Kiyono/e/B0067PSM5C/
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10 Responses to Where Shall I Start?

  1. Jeff Salter says:

    Quite sensible and organized. I would expect no less from you.
    Definitely, one’s health and well-being should be high on such a list.
    Organizing that room sounds important, but I cannot visualize you tossing / donating fabric and/or craft-related items…. because so much of “crafting” involves using little bits of this and tiny bits of that.
    Certainly important is to find a new home for your C.R. orphans. I have at least half a dozen without homes at present, including one of my favorite, “signature” novels, “Called to Arms Again.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Patricia Kiyono says:

    Thank you, Jeff. Actually I did donate a LOT of fabric and craft supplies a year and a half ago in preparation for downsizing to this condo. I’ve had to re-purchase a few things in order to get my holiday crafting done! A lot of my fabric went to my church’s quilting guild, so I still have access to it.
    I’ve got several friends who have offered to help me with the self-publishing thing. One of these days I’m going to clear out my schedule so that I can learn the ropes!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I like to make lists, I find that it helps me spinning my wheels. I seem to go in circles when one thing needs to be done before another, but the other things needs to have something else done first, and it keeps me moving. It also lets me know that I have accomplished more than I seem to think most times.
    Good luck, especially with the sequel. The Samauri, et al, have stayed in my mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      Lists help me stay focused. Sometimes my lists have sub-lists! And yes, they help you see what has been accomplished, especially when you can’t finish everything you’d planned.


  4. Lucy Kubash says:

    Sounds like some good plans. I’m hoping to go through and get rid of the stack of old manuscripts hiding under my desk for starters. Then begin going through my many bookcases and donate those books I know I’ll probably never read or read again. It’s very hard for me to give books away, but I did get the ball rolling by donating a grocery bag full of them to the local library. Having worked for many years as a book merchandiser, I bought way too many books, but now it’s time to share the wealth! Happy New Year!


    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      Happy New Year to you, too, Lucy! I’ve been purging a lot of books from my shelves, too. I know how hard it is to let go of something I think I might want to read someday. Maybe some will end up in the baskets at our next retreat!


  5. Elaine Cantrell says:

    I make lists too. find that they help me a lot. if you can get half of that accomplished you’ll be a busy woman.


  6. Making a to-do list for the year is a great idea. Thanks to this topic suggestion that is something that I am working on creating. I know where I want to start for the year but there are other things I need to put on a list so that it will get done.

    I think it can be harder to exercise in the winter, especially when you live in a place where snow, ice, and frigid temperatures can make getting out of the house difficult. I hope you’re able to find a video that works well for you on days when you can’t get out.


    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      Thanks, Angela! I purchased a used treadmill, too, but the squeaking bothers me. I’ll have to try oiling it. And then I need to add a ledge for my ipad so that I can listen to audio books while walking!


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