Guest Author: Jackie Braun and the Trillium Island Series

This month I’m pleased to introduce you to yet another fellow member of the Michigan Romance Writers. I remember cheering with the rest of the group when Silhouette published One Fiancee to Go, Please, and watching Jackie’s career soar. There was a period of time when her writing was sidelined due to medical challenges, but recently she announced that she was re-releasing a series of stories set in Northeast Michigan (one part of the state I haven’t yet traveled to) at an island resort owned and run by three siblings. I read the blurbs for them and immediately ordered Book One. I’m about 80 percent through and loving it! When I’m finished, I will post my review here and on Goodreads. In the meantime, I’d like to share with you the three books in the series:

Nobody’s Business:
Paparazzi favorite Audra Conlan isn’t known for her acting ability. She owes her fame to being outrageous. But after a near-death experience, she vows to drop out of the public eye, reconnect with her estranged family and clean up her act. She’s made a mess of her life. It’s time to own up to her poor choices, especially where men are concerned, and make amends.

Photographer Seth Ridley blames Audra for his family’s tragic demise. He doesn’t buy for one minute her alleged transformation. Camera in hand, he followers Audra to her tiny hometown of Trillium Island, planning to capture more of her patented bad behavior for an upcoming tell-all book that is sure to expose her to public ridicule and make her a pariah in Hollywood. Maybe then she will finally pay for what he believes to be her part in the accident that cost him everything. But the woman he befriends and then captures in his pictures is as unexpected as she is beguiling, and nothing at all what he was expecting.

The fragile feelings that develop between them are nobody’s business, but with a deadline looming, can they survive the truth?

Unfinished Business:
When bad boy Luke Banning left Trillium Island more than a decade earlier, he broke a young Ali Conlan’s heart. Now he’s back as an investor in the resort Ali and her two siblings own and want to expand.

Ali is determined to keep things from getting personal with Luke. After all, the man being hailed as Entrepreneur of the Year isn’t likely to trade in his Manhattan penthouse and glamorous lifestyle for the small island community that once judged him so harshly. The sensible thing to do is to guard her heart so he doesn’t break it again.

Luke has made a name and life for himself in the Big Apple. The slow pace on tiny Trillium can hardly compare to the megawatt brilliance of the city that never sleeps. But coming back has stirred up a lot of memories and even more emotions. And almost all of them have to do with Ali Conlan.

She isn’t the naive girl he remembers. She’s grown into a smart, savvy businesswoman. A woman Luke can’t stop thinking about. Settling the unfinished business between them is at the top of Luke’s agenda. But can he convince Ali that the past won’t be repeated?

Strictly Business:
Neither Regina Bellini nor Dane Conlan is looking for love, but when they meet by chance on an inhospitable night, it’s impossible to deny their instantaneous attraction. It flashes as intensely as the raging electrical storm that capsized his boat and left him bobbing in rough waters until he spied the lights of Regina’s Peril Pointe home.

As right as it feels, the timing couldn’t be more wrong. Regina is about to lose her beloved Victorian and neither she nor Dane is in a position to start a new relationship. At least not a romantic one.

Left with no other option, Regina approaches Dane and his sisters with a proposition to turn her lovely Victorian into a bed and breakfast as part of the resort they own on Trillium Island. When they accept and hire Regina on to help with the restoration, it’s an answer to her prayers. There’s only one problem and it’s a big one. Can Dane and Regina keep things between them strictly business?


Don’t these stories sound wonderful? I asked Jackie to tell us a bit more about them. Here’s her response:

My Trillium Island books, originally published by Harlequin Romance, aren’t brand new. I wrote them more than a decade ago. But I’ve updated them, done some rewriting and then repackaged them for a new generation of readers. They remain some of my favorite stories. The books feature the Conlan family, three estranged siblings who reconnect after a life-altering event and then work together to restore a neglected island resort. Along the way, each finds love. In that regard, the stories are timeless romances with the promised happy endings. Each book can stand alone.

I’m still toying with the idea of writing more Trillium-set books. Maybe Julie Weston deserves her own story or perhaps one of Regina Bellini’s half siblings will show up on the island? I’d love to know what readers think. Drop me a line through my website, where you can also read more about me, my books and join my newsletter.


In addition to her website, you can find Jackie on Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, BookBub, and Goodreads.

More about Jackie:
Jackie Braun is an award-winning author of three dozen closed door romances that have been translated into numerous languages and sold in countries around the globe. She makes her home in the beautiful Great Lake State, Michigan, where she has set several of her books, including the Trillium Island series. She is a three-time RITA finalist, a four-time National Readers’ Choice Award finalist and the winner of the Rising Star Award. She loves to hear from fans and can be reached through her website at, where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

About Patricia Kiyono

During her first career, Patricia Kiyono taught elementary music, computer classes, elementary classrooms, and junior high social studies. She now teaches music education at the university level. She lives in southwest Michigan with her husband, not far from her five children, nine grandchildren (so far), and great-granddaughters. Current interests, aside from writing, include sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking, and music. A love of travel and an interest in faraway people inspires her to create stories about different cultures. Check out her sweet historical contemporary romances at her Amazon author page:
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13 Responses to Guest Author: Jackie Braun and the Trillium Island Series

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for having me here today, Patty. Waving hello to everyone.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jeff Salter says:

    Welcome, Jackie, to 4F1H.
    I really like the premise of this re-issued series: three estranged siblings now working together. Sounds like all kinds of situations could arise.
    And I must say I love your three covers — can’t put my finger on any specific… but they’re terrific.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome, Jackie! It seems that many writers have health issues, but I am glad to hear that you are doing better.
    I do love the idea of HEAs and stand-alones with familiar characters.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you. I feel very blessed to still be here and enjoying better health. I don’t take anything for granted. I hope you will check out my books.


  4. Isn’t it fun to update those older stories? I did that with my short ones a few years ago. So happy you’ve done this and wish you much success.


    • Anonymous says:

      it is! I did quite a bit of reworking on the second and third books. I think the stories are all the better for it.


  5. Elaine Cantrell says:

    Welcome, Jackie! Your work sounds amazing.


  6. Anonymous says:

    Thanks! I am very happy with the way the covers turned out.


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