School Memories – Nerd vs. Party Girl

Iris suggested a school memory as our topic this week since the kids in her area of the world, which is on the other side of the equator from me, head back to classes from their summer vacation this week.

As a kid and a teen and even on into college and law school, I adored school. I was one of those people. You know. The ones who were all about getting good grades? Yep. That was me. BUT wait, before you start feeling sorry for the nerd girl, don’t. I was also the life of the party. Yes, I was always ready to have fun- now, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a smoker, druggie or big drinker. In fact, I usually drank water when I went to clubs in college and law school. I loved to dance and I found it’s much easier to stay on your feet when you’re sober. Funny how that works, isn’t it? I’ve never smoked or done any drugs (there’s that nerd girl we love). I like most everyone I meet and love to talk and socialize so hanging out with friends was always a priority.

All in all, I have to say I had a great experience in each educational environment I found myself in. That being said, you couldn’t drag me back now. I don’t think I would be enamored of doing homework and writing essays or research papers anymore (even though I still have to do research papers for judges- but at least I get paid for those- and not in grades, either).

In other news, check out this new cover I got for my 1920s story (using my great grandparents’ names for the hero and  heroine) that was supposed to come out February 20 but got moved up to January 30. I love, love it.

Carvers Fall

About Author

The author of these blog posts is a lawyer by day and fiction writer by night.
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12 Responses to School Memories – Nerd vs. Party Girl

  1. jeff7salter says:

    terrific cover — love those vivid colors.
    You must have been a very interesting combo of school smarts & social graces.
    More typically one leans one way or the other. To have both must have been a lot of fun.


  2. Shake hands with another nerd-girl who never smoked or did drugs…or drank when young.(I even hate the taste of beer.) Liked the work; but you had more fun,I mean, like you took my share!. I lived in my pretty, popular, UNDERACHIEVING sister’s shadow, (and I looked like her), so I had all the wrong expectations thrown at me.I LOVE the fact that your sister gets asked about YOU!
    Wow.Now I have to come up with Friday’s post and not make it a bummer!


    • ahh, your post would never be a bummer, Tonette.

      Living in your sister’s shadow for a few years versus being an achiever, I’d take the achiever any day!

      My mom worked at a doctor’s office for many years and she was ALWAYS asked by people if she was my mother when they heard her last name. I’m famous. HAHAHAHA.


  3. Iris B says:

    Total opposites …. LOL …. didn’t like school, wasn’t much into parties either, until later in my teenage years. Then I went to London for a few years and caught up on studies & parties … LOL

    Love the cover …. especially the background!


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