Did you think I’ve got a fan?

“Don’t take life too seriously. After all none of us are getting out alive anyway.”
―     Jill Shalvis

I truly like our Thursday Hound, Jeff, but today’s question? I’m not so sure 😉
Have you ever received a fan letter? How did it make you feel and did you respond?

In two words … wishful thinking! Well, when it comes to me, I mean.

Nope, I’ve not received a fan letter, and may I add “yet”. It’d be nice, right? But hey, I wonder whether this counts:
At daughter #1’s graduation last December, I went to one of the (to me unknown) mums to ask about the upcoming party for the students. I introduced myself as daughter #1’s mother and the other mum replied, “Oh I know you. I love your books!”

by Carleigh

by Carleigh

Gosh I was so surprised and humbled as she told me about the story and what she did and didn’t like, I walked off a few minutes later having completely forgotten about the party details. LOL.
Okay, apart from being a bad mum at that very moment, this moment was worth more than any money in the world.

Are you a fan of someone or have your received a fan letter ?

About Iris B

Iris Blobel writes warm, sexy, and sometimes witty Australian Contemporary Romance books for readers who, like herself, still strongly believe in love and Happily Ever Afters. And she knows HEAs. Her couples are hungry for life, done with the past, passionate about family, and emotionally hopeful for a future. The stories are mainly set in Australia but also in New Zealand and even the US, depending on where her travels take her. She loves nothing more than for her readers to join her on her journeys.
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11 Responses to Did you think I’ve got a fan?

  1. I’m a fan of a lot, but short of sending an email or commenting on a blog/Facebook/etc. I’ve never sent a letter! I think that having the other mom recognize you has to be better than any letter, much more personal!


    • Iris B says:

      Kate – it was indeed much better 🙂 And I’m like you, I comment on various sites, but that’s about it … I think. I suppose it’s the amount of information we are dealing with nowadays, trying to “write” a fan letter would probably be one of those task one needs to have that non-existent spare minute 😉


  2. Sorry,Iris;I still have you in the queue! I am soooo backed-up, but the accessories I need for my tablet,so I can get all the books on my PC and get them read! I’m sure I’ll be able to write you a fan letter!
    But, gee, that comment would have had me walking on air, too! Good for you!


    • Iris B says:

      No need to apologise. I know how it is. We went away for a few days and I read about three books. I was so excited 🙂
      You write these wonderful comments every week. I consider them semi-fan-letters 😉


  3. pjharjo says:

    I’ve never gotten a fan letter, yet, either, Iris. But I have run into several who have verbally “fanned” the first book in my trilogy. 🙂 and I have 4 and 5 star reviews on Amazon! Reading those reviews was great! All have made me realize I CAN write! YAY! The comments and reviews have made me feel so appreciated and loved! 🙂


  4. jeff7salter says:

    In many ways, Iris, a fan “contact” is even better than a fan letter. So you are already in that elite club by virtue of this individual recognizing your name, having read your book, and praising your story.
    Very cool.


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