B is for Babbling

So we’re doing this A to Z blogfest for April, and I had to come up with something I could talk about for the letter B.  Books, you say?  Well, I suppose that would be a great one, but what kind of books?  Books with beautiful covers?  Books about bananas?  Baking books?  Books about bankers and burglars?  Paranormal books?  (You know, Beasts.)  And all of them featuring BOYFRIENDS!

But then it started feeling like this post would feel very Dr. Seuss-ish or a really bad high school paper on alliteration.  Maybe I could do a post on baking.  Of course if my family got wind of that, they’d be snickering to death.  “What?  Micki in the kitchen?  Ha!”  Seriously, at Christmastime my 7 year old had made a jar full of cookie mix.  I was supposed to fix it Christmas eve.  (Santa got the break-and-bake cookies.)  He asked again in January when I’d fix them.  The same question got posed in February.  And in March, he asked, “Are you going to fix these before Danny (my 14 year old) goes off to college?”  I swear I’m not making that up.  Alas, the baking of the cookies finally happened Saturday night, but not at my hands.  Nope.  I passed the task off to our babysitter who LOVES to bake.  And the bonus (aside from a lovely date night with the hubby)?  My babysitter even did the dishes!  But I do confess to making some badass brownies from time to time.  So they come from a box.  So what?

I could talk about breasts and balls.  You know, fried chicken breasts when you’re watching a basketball game?  Wait.  What were you thinking?  Okay.  Fine.  I admit….I don’t really get into basketball.  😉

B…B….B…Something about the letter B.  Oh yes!  Brown!  It’s my maiden name, a color that looks good on me, and I just love that new M&M’s commercial!  You know where Ms. Brown is at a party and everyone’s looking at her because they think she’s naked?  Then the guy M&M says, “Oh!  It’s that kind of party.”  Then he strips off his candy coating and dances to “I’m Sexy and I Know It.”  Love that commercial!

But I really can’t decide what B thing I want to blog about.  Of course there’s always blogging about blogging, but for me that just means a bunch of babbling.  Kind of like that one Meg Cabot book, “The Queen of Babble.”  I bought it thinking it was about me.  Nope, not about me, but it certainly made me an even bigger Meg Cabot fan.  And she is super sweet too!  Maybe I’m not the Queen of Babble, but I’m pretty sure I could qualify as a duchess.  What do y’all think?

About Micki Gibson

Young Adult fiction writer
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12 Responses to B is for Babbling

  1. Tonette says:

    Well,Micki, there is one of the ‘Rules of Writing’ that reads: “Avoid alliteration always!” However,I am not a stickler of that rule, but you are right…only Dr.Suess could pull it off all the time and even he pressed it sometimes.
    I think you’d rather be known as a Queen of Babble than a Duchess of Drivel. (there I go again!).


    • Micki Gibson says:

      Oooh, if there really is an avoid alliteration rule, I am in SO MUCH TROUBLE! But I think I’m going to have to get a crown to show that I am a Queen of Babble! (I love my bling.)


  2. jeff7salter says:

    Breasts and balls? ROFL.
    You already had my attention when you decided to Bake Badass Brownies.
    I’m bustin’ to break-in to that batch of bad-ass brownies whenever the baker believes she can broach it.


  3. jeff7salter says:

    Thanks, LYNN, for adding my book cover!
    Coming this month from Astraea Press.


  4. That’s a TON of Bs my friend. My poor lil C post tomorrow is going to be so sad in comparison!

    BE Good!


    • Micki Gibson says:

      I think it will be okay. All I could picture this morning was the A book and the B book by Dr. Seuss, but next week I’ve got “I” so I doubt I can pull the same stunt off. Not so sure I’d want to try either.

      Regardless, I’m looking forward to your lil C post tomorrow! 🙂


      • you don’t hae “I” We don’t post on Sundays except for the 1st- since there are 26 letters to the alphabet, we skip the Sundays! ! So, you have “H”


      • jeff7salter says:

        Hmm. I didn’t realize the other Sundays were out. Nobody mentioned that when I sent out the draft sched.
        I’ll make the changes in the sched. and send it back out.


  5. Lavada Dee says:

    Wondering if Dr. Suess got started this way. Jeff I went over to Astraea Press but didn’t see it listed on the Coming Soon.


    • jeff7salter says:

      Thanks for checking, Lavada. It’s in line edits now. I guess until they have a specific date, they won’t show it. The only dates I have are “early-to-mid-April.” Well, that sounds pretty soon!


    • Micki Gibson says:

      I heard Dr. Seuss got started when he was on a ship or something where the engine made this rhythmic sound and there was a challenge to come up with something that matched the rhythm. Or maybe that’s just the story behind “And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street”. Still, I love Dr. Seuss!


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