A Backward Glance

This week’s topic is pretty broad: “Thinking about the ending year or the new year.” It’s hard to do one without thinking about the other – at least it is for me. I’ve always been told I’m an optimist, so I guess this is going to be a Count My Blessings type post. So here we go – my highlights of 2014:

  1. AmeliaOur family grew with the addition of a great-grandchild. One can never have too many family members to love! Our grandchildren, ages one through twenty-two, continue to grow intellectually and socially, and I thank God every day for them and pray for their safety. There is so much going on now to tempt them into following the wrong path, and so many dangers to worry about. But I have faith in them and the parents who are raising them. They’re going to be fine.

2.  1421049_872648619419659_7305715074737915010_oI renewed connections with several high school and college friends through social media. As much as we bemoan the evils of the internet, I have to be thankful for renewed friendships that never would have happened without it. High school friends here in Michigan, college friends in Illinois, past colleagues from the several jobs I’ve held – all connections I can continue thanks to social media, despite the miles that separate us. What a wonderful thing. Sometimes I waste too much time online, but thanks to all my “in person” friends I have plenty of real-life hobbies to turn to.

3.  ZCB OctI’ve had the pleasure of performing with several musical groups, reminding me how much I love to play. I described those musical groups in my free week post in November – if you missed it, you can read it HERE.

4.  My list of newly published works grew by five. (If you’re interested, visit my WEBSITE to see what they are!) Definitely a validation of my decision to invest more time in my writing. Very few of my family members actually read what I write, but they’re happy I’ve got my “little hobby” to keep me occupied.

5.  Jumping_for_joyThe foxes and hound from this blog asked me to join them! What a great honor. I’ve always loved reading about the thoughts and adventures detailed here and it’s flattering to have my thoughts read by these people as well as those who subscribe to this blog.

The year hasn’t been totally without challenges. Aging parents, rebellious grandkids, and financial challenges can cause glitches in our plans. But in the grand scheme of things, life at our home is good. I can look forward to the coming year with anticipation. My hope for you and yours is that no matter how good 2014 was, the next year is even better.

What blessings has the year brought to you?

About Patricia Kiyono

During her first career, Patricia Kiyono taught elementary music, computer classes, elementary classrooms, and junior high social studies. She now teaches music education at the university level. She lives in southwest Michigan with her husband, not far from her five children, nine grandchildren (so far), and great-granddaughters. Current interests, aside from writing, include sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking, and music. A love of travel and an interest in faraway people inspires her to create stories about different cultures. Check out her sweet historical contemporary romances at her Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-Kiyono/e/B0067PSM5C/
This entry was posted in blessings, blogging, honors, Music, publishing, social media, writing and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to A Backward Glance

  1. You really had a full year,Patty and a good one.
    Congratulations again on the great-grandchild and your accomplishments. We are the lucky ones to have you say “yes” to join us this year. I hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you.


    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      Thanks so much, Tonette! I hope the year is good to you, too. I see a few topics coming up that are going to be real challenges for a non-movie watcher like me, but I think I’m up to it! At least I have my resources primed and ready to help. As for the other areas in my life, my calendar tells me 2015 is going to be another busy year! And to me, the busier I am, the happier I am. Happy New Year to you and your family!


  2. jeff7salter says:

    we’re delighted to have you in the den with the hound and other foxes.
    Congratulations on releasing five new titles in 2014 — I’m sure the new year will be equally productive for you.
    I, too, am very grateful for the renewed contact with friends from school, and work, and hometown — which would have never taken place without FB.
    But, alas — I, too, spend WAY too much time on FB and need to budget my time better!
    Happy new year, Patty.


    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      Thank you, Jeff! I’ve got several projects just itching to be finished, so I suppose I ought to get offline and do that. Happy New Year to you, too.


  3. I loved your highlights. Babies are always a blessing, Congratulations on the great grandchild.
    Happy New Year


  4. pjharjo says:

    Sounds like you’ve had a year well worth remembering with joy, Patricia. May all your years have such joy in them! 😉


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