A Book Problem? NEVER!

This morning my daughter wanted to head to the store to see the post Easter clearance items. Since I had to do some grocery shopping I didn’t mind making a detour over to the Easter aisle, however my pocketbook did mind. In one of the aisles tucked near tabletop decorations were several stacks of children’s books. All these books were 50% off! I selected a few and placed them in the cart while my daughter went in search of stuffed animals and chocolate. We shopped for some every day household items that we needed then on our way to the grocery side of the store we had to walk by the Easter Clearance again. I skimmed through the books a little more thoroughly this time and came away with another 6 books! How could I resist when they were half off sticker price? The answer was I couldn’t.

That’s when I realized some may think I have a book buying problem. This past weekend my middle child needed to run to the Cities to purchase something at a store we do not have here. We ended up at the mall where he found what he needed. I made certain that I parked by the book store so we would have to walk through it. There I bought 5 books for my kids. Two science books for my youngest who is planning to go to a STEM camp this summer, a picture book (because you’re never too old to enjoy a picture book), a Stephen King book for my daughter (I’ll never read it, that’s too scary for me!), and an anime book for my middle child. I was very pleased that I didn’t purchase a book for myself.

However, the week before we had appointments at the children’s hospital, labwork that needed to be done, then a trip to the Cities so my youngest could drop something off to his uncle for school. To reward ourselves after an exhausting week we stopped at a bookstore. That day I walked out with several books for the kids and myself. The leather-bound classics were buy one get one half off. I couldn’t resist. They were all books I wanted to add to my library since the copies I once had were destroyed in a house fire years ago.

There is something in me that finds it difficult to resist purchasing a book. I love reading, I love the escape it allows, the adventures that you get to go on, the love that you get to feel, being able to save the day. When I’m in the middle of a flare up, when I’m feeling like I can’t do anything, even when I can’t bring myself to write I can always turn to a book and feel myself heal a little bit. Reading is good for the soul, so maybe my purchases are like therapy. I hear women all the time saying that retail therapy is one of their favorite things, they go home with new clothes or shoes and it makes them feel better. I just happen to buy books. I don’t even have to be buying them for myself. I love giving them as gifts.

Can you spend hours in a book store? Does it lift you up when you’re feeling a little down?


About Angela Schroeder

Angela Schroeder is a single mother of three. She was born and raised in Iowa in a river town known for its pearl buttons. Having four siblings, she never lacked for someone to play with. As she grew older, she found herself pulled into books and writing more and more. Her parents are her heroes, her siblings her confidants and tormentors, and her children are a wonderful blessing. Church is important to her children and her. They enjoy the friendships they’ve made with the people there. Writing has always been a passion. Her first experience was in fifth grade when she went to a one-day writing conference. After that she knew it was something she wanted to pursue.
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6 Responses to A Book Problem? NEVER!

  1. Jeff Salter says:

    like you, I firmly believe reading is good for the soul and spirit.
    And, like you, it’s extremely difficult for me to pass up books on SALE.
    [For me, however, E-books just don’t cut it]
    I have a modest collection of leather bound books —7 or 8 — from Eaton Press. Love them.
    The love of books is chiefly what nudged me toward my career in librarianship… though the more years I worked, the farther I got away from books. As an administrator, I dealt mostly with budgets, personnel, policies, problems, and complaints.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have more E-books than I can count but I don’t really read them. There are a few authors that I will read on an E-reader but only if I know I can’t get the book in paperback. Otherwise I want to hold a book in my hands. Plus, it is easier on my eyes, they can’t handle the glare of the screen.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Jeff Salter says:

        for me, it’s not merely the glare and the general aesthetics… but I find it quite difficult to locate a book, and frustrating to navigate the pages if I wish to go back and check something. Just un-satisfying all around — for me. Yet half of my titles are available ONLY as ebooks.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. ABSOLUTELY. Joe and I can browse in bookstores for hours…and DO! Not just bookstores, but book sections in all stores, including thrift stores and library sales, often to pick up out-of-print books. Actually, I have a close theme for my Friday post…the aftermath of buying sprees.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I look forward to reading your post on Friday.

      I manage to find the book section in whatever store we’re in. There are certain stores that when I walk in the managers will inform me when they have had new books delivered.


  3. Patricia Kiyono says:

    I love to browse through bookstores, but I rarely buy new. I’ll always gravitate toward the used books and select something that’s been well-loved. But even that’s been cut back, since I read mostly on one of my devices now.

    Liked by 1 person

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