Hygge Day

This week we’re talking about what we are doing with our “extra” day. When I realized that this was a leap year I told my kids that we should do something special on that day. It only took a matter of seconds to decide that we wanted to spend the day just being cozy at home. We decided to call it Hygge Day. According to Wikipedia “Hygge is a word in Danish and Norwegian that describes a cozy, contented mood evoked by comfort and conviviality.” I’m all for being cozy at home, especially after a long day at work. Often times I get home and my social battery is just depleted, all I want to do is change into some warm, comfortable clothes, eat a bowl of soup, have a cup of tea, and relax. So we decided that would be the perfect way to spend Leap Day.

I happen to have that day off of work, since it will be my weekend to work, but Jesse still has to work. So while she’s working Wyatt and I will be making food. I haven’t yet decided what we’re going to eat but it will probably be something prepared in the crockpot so it can slow cook all day. Then we’ll probably make cookies or some other dessert to be enjoyed throughout the evening. When Jesse gets home from work, after dinner, we’ll exchange our Hygge Day gifts. Each one of us bought a new book for the others. Actually, I bought them each two books because there was a sale at the book store and I couldn’t pass it up. Jesse will be getting two books filled with Gothic Short stories, one of them is filled with stories by Bram Stoker, the other is filled with stories by various authors. I bought Wyatt On the Banks of Plum Creek and By the Shore of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder. He has been wanting his own set of the books. I know Jesse bought him Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie. Wyatt does not like Farmer Boy so I didn’t buy that one for him.

After we exchange gifts we’ll probably all snuggle under some blankets with the fireplace on then spend the evening reading and snacking. Is there a cozier way to spend an evening?

Will this Thursday be just like any other day for you, or will you do something a little special to mark the day?

About Angela Schroeder

Angela Schroeder is a single mother of three. She was born and raised in Iowa in a river town known for its pearl buttons. Having four siblings, she never lacked for someone to play with. As she grew older, she found herself pulled into books and writing more and more. Her parents are her heroes, her siblings her confidants and tormentors, and her children are a wonderful blessing. Church is important to her children and her. They enjoy the friendships they’ve made with the people there. Writing has always been a passion. Her first experience was in fifth grade when she went to a one-day writing conference. After that she knew it was something she wanted to pursue.
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6 Responses to Hygge Day

  1. Patricia Kiyono says:

    What a lovely plan to mark the day! I’m sure you will all enjoy it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jeff Salter says:

    That sounds terrific. Now, if I can figure out what my Hygge day should be like…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds nice, Angie.
    “Farmer Boy” is tough to take. What harsh parents the Wilders were! I had many people talk about it, but it happened. When I read Jimmy Carter’s “One Hour Before Daylight”, it reminded me of Almanzo’s childhood.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Elaine Cantrell says:

    Sounds like a warm, comforting day which will become a nice memory for you and the kids.


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