Thankful to My Peeps

It’s not just Thursday or today or this week or even this whole month, but every day I am thankful for my writing peeps.  I am thankful for my fellow Foxes and the Hound.  Every week, I’m forced (in a good way) to write something.  On occasion, I haven’t followed through, but I’ve had to at least think about the topic of the week.

I’m extremely thankful for my local writing peeps (which means our lovely Jillian Chantal is getting doubly thanked-still not enough for how awesome she is).  From impromptu write-ins, to lunch, to that constant checking in of where I am with my writing, I am quite sure I may have packed it in if not for my fellow local writing friends.

I am thankful to my old writing peeps back in San Antonio.  That’s my writing birthplace.  Well, sort of.  It is unless we’re calling that three-hour layover in the Houston airport which I spent at the bar at Pappadeaux’s above gate E4 my writer birthplace, but I was living in San Antonio at the time of that flight, so it’s all good.  I recall the tiny article in some women’s magazine (Real Simple?  In Style?  Self?  Glamour?) about some crazy challenge and how November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short, or simply NaNo if you want even shorter.  Incidentally, November 2008 is the only time I’ve actually “won” at NaNo.  I was blissfully ignorant of all the rules I was breaking.  My San Antonio peeps were the ones who gently, but firmly, informed me of all the reasons my novel wasn’t the brilliant work I originally thought it was, and yet they remained supportive and encouraging the entire time.

I’m thankful for my YARWA peeps.  I’ve heard of RWA chapter drama and seen it first-hand, but not with this amazing group of young adult authors.  They are another group of incredibly supportive writers who get those crazy teens we love to write about.  They continually ensure that my To Be Read pile will never disappear.

And finally, I’m thankful to the readers.  Whether it’s this blog or a rough draft or a final product, I’m thankful for those of you who love stories so much that there will always be an opportunity for those of us who love to write.

About Micki Gibson

Young Adult fiction writer
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10 Responses to Thankful to My Peeps

  1. jeff salter says:

    Pleased to have made your acquaintance, too, Micki.
    Jillian is very generous with her encouragement & acceptance — it was she who ‘found’ this old scraggly hound dog and cleaned him up enough to be on the blog.
    Love your early writing spot [the bar at Pappadeaux’s above gate E4] — there could be a movie featuring a writer at that setting.


  2. Jillian says:

    thanks for the double thanks, Micki. Love ya lots. You keep me laughing and sane a lot of the time and having my back means the world to me. Thanks for being you.

    And Jeff, you didn’t need much cleaning up and I didn’t even have to use the flea dip!


    • jeff salter says:

      thank goodness, Jillian. I can’t stand the smell of flea dip.
      but I do have the itches sometimes. Ha


    • Micki Gibson says:

      Awww! Don’t make me cry this early in the morning. You are the voice of reason and there have been many times that your voice creeps up on me all Obi Wan-like with bits of advice. “Don’t feed the bear.” And I admire the heck out of how productive you are with your writing. Congrats on the DAS!


  3. I’m late, but no less thankful for all of you, as well.I know I am a square wheel,(non-romance writer), but nevertheless, you taken me in and I’m having a ball,(even if I get people who check in and email or FB message me to tell me they liked my post or to share stories…I message them back: “POST IT!”)
    To Jeff, who was my first friend here,Jillian who took me on, Danica who is a RIOT(!) and you , Micki, who always makes me laugh and inspired one of the best fiction stories I ever wrote by one of your writing prompts,(which I will be sending off to try to be published).
    Thank God for all of you and bless your hearts!


  4. Thanks Micki and Jeff! I actually dashed off something and have it in the queue for Friday, although I doubt anyone will be looking in; too stuffed like the turkeys were!
    (I’ll send you a copy of the story after the holiday, Micki;it’s based on your CSI prompt.I left it opened as to whether or not the ending is happily-ever-after!)


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