I Heart It

I’ve been absent lately and I apologize. Life is getting chaotic. I suppose now’s also as good a time as any to mention that I’ll be leaving Four Foxes, One Hound. I’ve been with the blog for…two years? Has it been that long? And it’s been a lot of fun, but obligations have piled on my shoulders and my writing has suffered as a result. As much as I hate to think of writing as work, it is and if I want to bring home the Kibbles n’ Bits to my four-legged babies, I’ve got to get some stories written.

I’ll be leaving at the start of the year…but I can promise I’ll go out with a bang.

Like this week we’re talking about our favorite adult toys. *snickers* What? I’m an erotic romance writer. Of course I’m going to go there. But I’ll behave and not mention which of those I really like.

Instead, I’ll talk about my favorite non-naughty adult toy. It’s my Kindle Fire. No, I didn’t get it for Christmas, or even a birthday, or anniversary or anything like that. I got it earlier this year. I was sitting at Books-A-Million on a Saturday morning, trying to write Primal Song when I happened to see the Nook Tablets. I’d been jonesing for a Kindle Fire, so I decided to do a little procrastinating investigating. I researched both tablets, checking out the pros and cons and finally hit “buy” on the Fire.

That was back in April, I believe. My old Kindle, which had faithfully traveled to Orlando and New York City with me and kept me company many a boring night felt betrayed and wandered to my sister’s house. Taking my entire library with it. But it forgot I had the Cloud…so I have all of my books again. Of course, so does my sister, but oh well. But oh the Fire. Oh how awesome. Is it orgasmic? Almost. It even has an awesome name “Fire”. Which then has me segueing into a Bevavis and Butthead frame of mind.

‘scuse me while I get that out of my system.


Okay, now that’s out of the way…I’m a reader, people. Most of the time I’m a reader when I should be a writer, but that’s what writers do, right? They read and learn and absorb information and knowledge and geek out over their favorite authors and new reading media. Or at least that’s what this writer does.

My Fire is feeling lonely lately. I’ve only used it to play Angry Birds Star Wars in recent weeks, but with every new release and my one-click buying skillz…he won’t be lonely for long. This is the best present I’ve ever given to myself and it’ll be the best present to give to someone else this Christmas. Not saying who though 😉

About danicaavet

Danica Avet lives and writes in the wilds of South Louisiana. Unmarried with no children, she's the proud pet of two cats and a dog. With a BA in History, she decided there were enough fry cooks in the world and tried her hand at writing. Danica loves losing herself in the antics of her characters and blushes more often than not at the things they do. She likes to define her work as paranormal romance with a touch of Cajun spice, but most times her characters turn the notch up to "five-alarm fire"!
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8 Responses to I Heart It

  1. Let’s get the sniffling out of the way…we’re going to miss you,Danica! You have been a kick for we,(at least, me), who have a couple of years on you.[I will, however, be checking into your blog, peeking between my finger, but don’t tell everyone.]
    Believe it or not,I am still plugging away with my Kindle for PC. A short time back I was told that “We need to find a way to get a Kindle for you”, but I said, foolishly, that it could wait.I know it won’t be under the tree;(it’s the kind of thing he’d have me pick out just what I want, lest he make a mistake. But, that is not really a bad thing.)
    Anyway, good for you! Read away! I have heard publishers’ tips to writers…READ.One big-name agent always asks, “What do you read?” to writers who approach her.She can tell almost by looking at people what they will answer. When they answer,”Not much;I don’t have time”, she terminates the conversation.A writer who doesn’t read can’t be a good writer.
    Good luck to you,Danica.And if you can’t be good, be careful!


  2. jeff7salter says:

    I got a Kindle touch a year ago, but don’t like its operation. I’d much rather have buttons to navigate with.
    We’re gonna miss you, Cajun Fox. But we’ll always have the bayous.


  3. jeff7salter says:

    Danica, I didn’t deliberately load mine early. I thought I’d set it for 10 mins after midnight, but something glitched out. Sorry.


  4. Micki Gibson says:

    Adult toys…I knew you’d go there, but yet, you behaved. (Jillian and I had our snickers too.) We’re going to miss you, Cajun Fox! So glad I’ve had the opportunity to meet you in person and hope that there will be many more of those opportunities in the future!


  5. Great post! I love the whole Kindle/cloud thing. What a fun device. I wish I’d have invented it.


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