It’s Not Just the Heat…

Most of us are in the US and this week are talking about what we hate about the heat. It is the end of July and that is usually when the worst hits.(Iris is in Australia, so if you check in on Monday’s post, you’ll hear what she hates about the cold!)

For those of you who think it is just a saying, believe me when it is not just the heat, it is the humidity. I grew up on the east coast of the United States near the capital and in the city our suburbs, it is dreadfully uncomfortable in the Summer in the City. John Sebastian wrote that song about Washington, D.C.; he knew of what he spoke! When he speaks of it being gritty, it is. Where I grew up in the suburbs, it was hot, but until more buildings went up, more trees came down and more vehicles were on the road, it was tolerable most of the time. When the air became polluted and there was more heat and radiation from pavement and buildings, it became worse and worse.

While I was still living there, friends of my aunt’s had retired to the Phoenix, Arizona area and were trying to persuade her to do the same. My sister was looking to relocate and since I was part of her husband business,( and attached deeply to my nieces), I was willing to move with them. So I flew out with my aunt to check Arizona out. I have to say it has many charms, but the temperatures reached 92F, I said no-thank-you, (even though it was still reasonable in the shade), as it was February, for Heaven’s sake.I knew we’d never be comfortable there in the Summer.

We moved out to Idaho and then I moved to the Denver ,Colorado area, and although the air pollution can be bad in that city as well, the humidity is low most of the time, and a little shade or a little breeze helps incredibly. I never used my air conditioner since we had a lovely East-West exposure in our narrow townhouse. It was hot upstairs during the day, but the flow-through breeze at night kept us all very cool and comfortable. It was always ‘good sleeping weather’.

I did not even have A/C in my car out there! I’d open the windows and unless I was stuck in traffic on the hottest day, I’d be fine. One particularly hot day I had to tent it to keep the direct sun off of it, but I made it across town with a tiered graduation cake that never melted or ran.

But that was not here. My sons were 8 ½ and 10 when we moved to the middle of Kentucky .I said to my husband, “How can we ever prepare them for humidity?” He rightfully answered, “We can’t!” And we were ill-prepared to go back to it ourselves.
Without dwelling on health issues again I have to say that I know that I simply would not survive if I did not have air conditioning in my car here and now: Statement of Fact.

I never could take the sun, I always burned and blistered; later on, it made me ill. Now, I know why; it’s illness as well. So when I garden, it’s in the evening or on cloudy days.
Give me a balmy, partly cloudy day with low humidity and a high between 65-82F and I am just great…but that does not happen very often here. We are usually short on Spring and Fall-type weather and it goes from too hot to too cold all too fast.

So, here I am with a couple of cool-ish days in the midst of the hottest part of the year. My feet have always tended to get hot and they have been killing me, even in sandals. Last week it felt like opening an oven when I opened a door and the gas mileage in my car is terrible since it takes more to run the A/C…and then I have to stand in the heat to pump the gas back in; it’s a trade-off.

I know that I will be complaining of the cold and vowing to love the heat again soon, as I did when it was cold last season, but now, yeah, I really hate really hot, humid weather. I can’t find shade with a breeze, crank up the A/C and hand me a cold drink with plenty of ice,or do it anyway!

And in case it’s humid in Hell, I am striving to be a very good girl.

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
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12 Responses to It’s Not Just the Heat…

  1. jeff7salter says:

    We lived in Clovis NM for some 18 months. Quite dry and very dusty. They would (literally) call off ballgames for dust storms rather than rain. It was not a climate I enjoyed. I can imagine AZ would be even worse (for me) … though I do understand that many people love it there, so I’m not condemning the state. Just saying it’s not likely my cup of tea.
    LOVE the song, “Summer in the City” by the Lovin’ Spoonful.


  2. NM is more dusty, Jeff. As for Arizona, the climate has been changed.Strangely,people moved out there for the dryness but then wanted their plants,trees and green lawns! There are golf courses in incredible numbers and so there needs to be ‘Greens’, which are kept up and watered constantly. That has rises the humidity levels to unbelievable numbers for the SW. All the non-native plants and grass has made the pollen count much higher than it ever was supposed to be, as well.No one can move to any city in Arizona for their lungs like they used to. Many, many people also have pools in their yards, which has contributed to higher humidity as well.


  3. Iris B says:

    The last sentence made me giggle, Tonette 🙂
    I agree, humidity is a killer. I can remember visiting Darwin a few years back and I was basically sweating non-stop. it was utterly disgusting. And I agree, pollution and population makes the heat worse. We struggled in Germany (and I think they still do) when the thermometer went to the mid-thirties, here, I think mid-thirties is nice!
    Reading everyone’s post and all the comments this week, I’ve decided I like all seasons. I wish I could add a photo in here as I sit here at my desk looking outside where my husband has the open fire going. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to eat the roast later on which is currently cooking somewhere in the depth of this fire – can’t do it in summer! Then I remember all the fun I usually have with my girls in the pool during the summer and curse the cooler days.
    I think, bottom line, I’ve grown to like all seasons with all their advantages and disadvantages and take each day accordingly!.


  4. I like all seasons, too, Iris, really. I can’t complain today,(although it was cooler this morning and I had on a nylon blouse.It’s warmer now and I’m in cotton!).I went out shopping and bought two watermelons and plums, plus locally-grown tomatoes,corn, peaches, peppers and pounds of strawberries. Lovely! The kids are out riding bikes and scooters and having fun; the mid-summer flowers are in bloom, everything is very green and we had a little bunny munching the clover in the backyard today.It is nice.
    But your roast sounds good! And you know this foodie;cooler weather is real-food time! I would prefer a little more mid-range temps here;our Autumns and Springs are short.
    I certainly agree with YOUR last line, as we need to do with everything in life.


  5. Dominique Bender says:

    Meanwhile, southern Ontario was blanketed by oppressive heat and humidity. By mid-afternoon Monday in Toronto and Ottawa temperatures hit 31 and felt like 39 with humidity.


  6. pjharjo says:

    It seems I have a different take on the heat than the others of us here. I guess that’s bc I live in the beautiful PNW, where it is not humid, and you all live in the E and SE, where it is? I really don’t like to be cold, and so that’s why I love the heat out here! 🙂

    I can relate with you and know what you are talking abut. I don’t like the summer humidity back that way, either. See, my family comes from Louisiana, but I was lucky enough to be born in Oregon. I can remember a visit my family took to LA, when I was 10 years old. THAT’S when I experienced the humidity you speak of. I can remember it was so hot and humid that I felt like I could slice through the air with a knife while I walked down the street!

    Lucky for us, humans are adaptable, eh? 🙂 I know how you feel, Tonette. Take Care! 🙂


  7. Thanks, Janette.I have been smack in the middle of Kentucky for 19 years now.It’s hilly, but we are not in the mountains. We are at the very bottom of what is considered “Kentuckianna” because Louisville is a big, diverse city,(bigger than most people would suspect). Its suburbs sprawl into southern Indian and of course, into Kentucky…and they are sprawling farther every year.Many people have ‘discovered’ this little town and use it as a ‘bedroom community’; they come in at night and stay here the weekends.We who live here, though, often ESCAPE it on the weekends when we can!
    We’re pretty adaptable, but I don’t know anyone who relishes heavy-duty humidity!


  8. I was always child of sun – just could not do without him. now I am residing in a dungeon where sunlight is rare 🙂


  9. I posted a comment here, most probably its in the spam folder, waiting for rescue.


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