Ahh Sean Connery, um I meant James Bond!

Love may not make the world go round, but I must admit that it makes the ride worthwhile.
Sean Connery

 This week we’re supposed to tell which our “favorite James Bond Movies,” were.  My answer would have to be All of the movies produced in the 1960s. 

After looking over this month’s list of questions, I can see this, as James Bond month, is going to be a very hard month for me.  I say that because the only James Bond movies I can ever really remember watching, are the ones from the 1960s, when I watched as a very young girl.  Of course, while I don’t remember their names, I do remember how I loved ANYTHING James Bond (Sean Connery) was in.  That man got my pre-teen hormones going, and has had them in an uproar ever since!

As a matter of fact, he is the ONLY thing I can remember about the James Bond movies! LOL!

I haven’t watched any of the other movies because I lost interest when other actors started to play JB.  I am very loyal.  Sean won my heart and I could not replace him with any other.  The movies without him just aren’t the same!

So I guess I would have to say all of the movies made in the ‘60s would be my favorites!  😉

Are there any other viewers out there who have my sense of loyalty when it comes to watching a different actor in an established role?

About pjharjo

Janette is an author of Romantic Paranormal Fantasy. CONNECTIONS, her first series, is Indie published. You can follow her or sign up for her newsletter, and learn more about her new releases as they become available, at http://www.authorjanetteharjo.blogspot.com She lives in the beautiful and prolific Pacific NW of the USA.
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15 Responses to Ahh Sean Connery, um I meant James Bond!

  1. jeff7salter says:

    Connery definitely ‘set’ the role for many people who saw his films first.
    Connery is a terrific actor … period. And what a wide range of characters he’s played!
    Good choice, Janette.


  2. Tonette Joyce says:

    Well, my Dear, you will just have to get your memory revved-up and use those to answer the q’s this month!
    As for getting used to seeing one actor in a role…yes! I usually go nuts when they switch actors.Some, of course, cannot be helped, such as Richard Harris’ Dumbledore in the first Harry Potter movies, (after all, the man died). With the next two movies, I ‘heard” Richard’s voice in my head after every line that Michael Gambon spoke in the role. With the subsequent movies, it was obvious that JK Rowling was writing more to Gambon’s take on Dumbledore, and getting farther from Richard Harris’ portrayal, so he made it his own.
    And I will have to say the same to you about the subsequent Bonds,Janette. As much as I enjoyed Sean Connery’s Bond,I simply can’t see him in the other movies doing the same actions and the same lines; they are tailor-made to the men, as much as their beautiful, well-fitted suits.


  3. Iris B says:

    I’d better start talking about the newer bond movies, then, to start your appetite 🙂


  4. Micki Gibson says:

    I grew up in the Roger Moore days, but always had respect for Sir Sean. I think it’s a law in James Bond World that even if he’s not your absolute favorite, he must still be mentioned as being a favorite. But Daniel Craig has my heart. I like his grittier Bond than the campiness of Roger Moore. Still, I adore Sir Sean, the original.


  5. Laurie Ryan says:

    I’m in a minority, but ever since Remington Steele, I’ve loved the idea of Pierce Brosnan in the role of Bond. When he finally got the opportunity, I was a happy camper.


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