Guest: Author Sherry Gloag

On this “Free Week’ here at Four Foxes, One Hound, I have another guest .I would like to introduce you to author Sherry Gloag.

Author Sherry Gloag

Author Sherry Gloag

Sherry and I met online as we have a number of mutual friends and acquaintances, the Hound and a Fox or two among them.Although we live an ocean apart, the magic of the internet brought us together, and her to you!
So, I will let Sherry’s official bio and her works  speak for her.

Sherry has included for us a short Point of View on Points of View!

Welcome, Sherry Gloag!

POV – or point of view – is what it says it is. It is the point of view of the character ‘centre stage’ in the story you are reading, writing, at any given time. But there are several layers to pov.
The author will have a particular image or approach in mind when they write a scene, but when it comes to the reader they may imagine something completely different.
It’s a bit like asking four people sitting round a table to describe a mug placed in the centre of that table. The design of the mug no longer matters, because – even if the mug is pure white – none of the people at the table can, or will describe the same truth.
One will see a plain mug with a plain handle; the next will see a plain mug with a plain handle to the left. The third person will see the plain panel of the mug and nothing else; he may know it has a handle but he can’t see it, while the last person seated at the table will see a plain mug with a plain handle on the right.
Each person will portray the mug differently. They are all truthfully describing what they see, and yet they are all seeing the same object. And if the mug had two different pictures painted on the sides of the mug, then the accounts would differ even more.
Unlike movies where settings become another character, in books those settings should be unveiled in a way that remains true to the author and still allows the readers to create their own impressions. This is where Deep Point of View comes in. The amount of ‘insider’ information offered depends upon the way the author presents their deep pov.
Deep point of view takes the reader ‘deeper’ into the story, or the character without slowing down the plot.
In my debut novel The Brat, published by The Wild Rose Press in 2010, the following, on the opening page reveals a lot about the hero while asking more questions about the heroine…
“Who is she?” He (Ben) raised an eyebrow in query.
“Miss Williams, sir.” His mother’s solicitor, Mr. Cranborne, cleared his throat. “She cared for your mother for the last five years.”
The clergyman bent to lift a small clutch of soil, which he threw into the open grave. His action was replicated by the woman. And who, Ben wondered, was Miss Williams?
“My mother never had two pennies to rub together in her life. For God’s sake the woman was a whore. Why would a classy female like that,” he poked the air with one finger, “care for her? What’s she after?
“She’s wishing on rainbows if she thinks my mother has anything to leave her in a will. She spent all her money on drugs, drink and men.
Further down the page Ben’s age is also revealed. While apparently irrelevant at the time of revelation, it is a pivotal piece of information that weaves the story together.
In my upcoming story He’s my Husky, published by EsKape Press, this opening scene, through Emma’s eyes, forecasts the trauma her friend Susan is about to reveal…
Emma waited for her friend Sue, as she did every Friday, with the exception of Friday the thirteenth.
On those days Sue refused to leave the house, which made today’s request for a get-together astonishing.
When Sue entered the café, she didn’t look too happy. In fact she looked devastated. Her usually immaculate hair hung loosely round her face, her normally sparkling eyes were dull and weary. As for her clothes… Normally a savvy dresser, today Sue looked as though she’d picked up the first items that came to hand. Her crumpled t-shirt shocked Emma, as did the grass stains on the knees of her jeans, and her trainers obviously hadn’t been cleaned in a day or two.
A few sentences on it segues into the unexpected, and unwanted, arrival of the hero, Max.

Please feel free to stop and make a comment, or ask a question below.


Best-selling author, Sherry Gloag is a transplanted Scot now living in the beautiful coastal countryside of Norfolk, England. She considers the surrounding countryside as extension of her own garden, to which she escapes when she needs “thinking time” and solitude to work out the plots for her next novel. While out walking she enjoys talking to her characters, as long as there are no other walkers close by.
Apart from writing, Sherry enjoys gardening, walking, reading and cheerfully admits her books tend to take over most of the shelf and floor space in her workroom-cum-office. She also finds crystal craft work therapeutic.
Sherry loves to hear from her readers.


The Brat by Author Sherry Gloag

The Brat by Author Sherry Gloag

He's My Husky and The Magpie Chronicles by Author Sherry Gloag

He’s My Husky and The Magpie Chronicles by Author Sherry Gloag


Sherry Gloag contact info:

 My Website:
My Blog:
Amazon author page:

Amazon author page

Amazon UK author page

B & N


About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
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14 Responses to Guest: Author Sherry Gloag

  1. The POV is so important,Sherry; thanks for the input and for guesting today.
    I had an experience that everyone said I should write, and they were right, it would not leave me alone until I wrote it.My problem was getting a handle on the POV, so I wrote it as a play. Now, it is bugging me to write it as a story,I THINK I know know the right POV.
    ( I changed the ending and to find a way to not give it away…that was the hard part.)


  2. jeff7salter says:

    Thanks, Sherry. I’ve been struggling with “deep POV” and still can’t recognize what to change or where… until a editor points it out. Then I think, “oh, yeah… I get it” and can fairly easily fix it.
    Wish I could just write Deep when I want it that way, from the outset.


    • [Sorry,Jeff, I don’t know why my answer to you did not post yesterday.]
      It is great to have Sherry here with us.I was so happy when she agreed to join us. I have a number of guests lined up for the next few months.
      I found myself writing ‘deep’ in my shorts, or what some people call ‘poems’,(although I prefer to consider my traditional poetry as poems). That is the only way I will be able to put down the “story-that-became-a-play-but-can-now-be-a-story’. The Deep POV hit me out of the blue.
      Thanks for taking the time to come in.Everyone seems to be busy with Easter activites or prep.


      • Sherry Gloag says:

        Tonette, until recently I’d never heard of DPoV and then I read a couple of short online articles, had a go at it, wrote this piece for your blog today and then discovered the most wonderfully challenging workshop on Savvy authors that is running this month. guess, I’m truly meant to get my head round this issue. 🙂


    • Sherry Gloag says:

      Jeff I have only recently come across Deep Point of View and am currently enjoying a wonderful, and extensive workshop on Deep POV on Savvy authors. I get the impression it runs frequently, so keep an eye out for the next one. Believe me, it is a very challenging and comprehensive workshop, and I’m enjoying it enormously.
      Thanks for coming by Jeff.


  3. Iris B says:

    What a great topic, and what an even better post about it. Thanks Sherry. Great to have you here!

    POV and I are not getting along really well, we often argue, struggle and the editor needs to intervene – ALWAYS deciding the POV to be right 😉


    • And people think one day,”Hey,I think I’ll be a writer”! It doesn’t work that way, does it?
      Funny how you ca be all ready to go, start in and you are completely wrong.I don’t think most people realize that the storyline and characters can change, or should I say, INSIST on being changed.
      Thanks for coming in,Iris!


    • Sherry Gloag says:

      rofl, Iris. Sorry. But I also struggled with pov. To start with I was a shocking head-hopper. This Deep Point of View workshop I’ve joined this month is a real humdinger and very challenging. And I’m going to have to rewrite my current wip almost from the first word to where I’m at now. -sigh- But it’s going to be worth it.


  4. pjharjo says:

    Interesting pov on Points of View, Sherry. I think we’ve all struggled with that, I didn’t get it down until I was published and had an editor to help me with it. Thanks for stopping by!


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