List 10 of your favorite books and/or authors

That’s the topic for this week. I messed up last week and posted this week’s topic due to an incorrect topic list I had on file. So, this week I will write about last week’s topic! I hope I’m forgiven by all. My mess-up fits right in with how my life’s been going.

Unless Jeff and/or Tonette have informed them (which would be ok); the two new foxes here don’t know about my medical history. For our new foxes; I suffer from a TBI received in a past auto accident and so my memory is not what it should be. I don’t remember the specifics of the novels I have selected, but I know I enjoyed them and that is why they made it onto my day’s list. 🙂

My very favorite books have helped me survive through my life since the TBI and most recently through my heartbreaking breakup with my boyfriend.

One, The Bible, was already been mentioned here last week.  The help and inspiration it gives goes without my need to tell about it.

The second made my list bc it again has helped me to go on from day to day.  It is Positive Affirmations for Gratitude! By Caroline Kingsbury.  This book made my list because it reminds me of how much I have to be grateful for even though I am alone.

The third is Mastering Your Moods by Melvyn Kinder, again because I need to keep myself from Depression.

From there, a few of my favorites include The Fateful Journey of Tamsen Donner by Frankye Craig and the six novels of The Clan of the Cave Bear series (ok, so I cheated here and included these 6 in my list of 10), because history intrigues me and I love to read about it – whether fictional or fact.

I enjoyed both If Only it Were True by Marc Levy and The Host by Stephenie Meyer, which I first read in research to see how others write what I write, only to find how much I enjoyed them!

That’s my list for the week. Sorry for the downer moments in my post.

How about you?  Are there any books you’ve read that have changed your life?

About pjharjo

Janette is an author of Romantic Paranormal Fantasy. CONNECTIONS, her first series, is Indie published. You can follow her or sign up for her newsletter, and learn more about her new releases as they become available, at She lives in the beautiful and prolific Pacific NW of the USA.
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8 Responses to List 10 of your favorite books and/or authors

  1. I think every female in my family read and loved the Clan of the Cave Bear books – and I haven’t read a single one!


  2. jeff7salter says:

    I didn’t read the Clan books, but I think I read a short excerpt from the one which was used primarily to make the movie. It’s been a while, so I’m not sure.
    As for the topic mix-up — there’s at least a 50-50 chance that the screw-up was on my end. I thought I had sent out the (slightly) revised schedule in mid-Sept., but it’s also possible that I overlooked one of the email addresses.


  3. Well, you’re posting and back on track, so all’s well! I never read the Clan of the Bear/Cave books either, but I know they were quite HUGE for a while.
    The positive attitude books are a great idea and the Bible, I think most of us here are in agreement.
    Hang in there! We’re here and we’re having fun!


    • pjharjo says:

      Thanks for the comment, Tonette! The Clan books were so BIG for awhile, I thought everybody read them! LOL! I loved the Gratitude Book. There is so much we all have to be grateful for in this world! 🙂


  4. Patricia Kiyono says:

    It’s my turn to be in the dark. The only title I recognized from your list is the Bible! But you sure gave me plenty of food for thought. I’m glad those books have stayed with you and helped you through whatever you’re dealing with – that’s the power of the written word. Thanks for sharing.


  5. pjharjo says:

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Patricia! If you ever need inspiration, check out the Gratitude book, after the Bible, of course. 🙂


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