TBR #11: Yearly Goal Almost Met!

As authors, we spend a lot of time thinking about the stories we want to tell. But it’s important to read the words that others write. Each year I set a reading goal on Goodreads, and this year I vowed to read 50 books. Thanks to several of my friends having holiday releases, I’ve been reading a lot this month, and at the time I’m posting this I’ve read 48! That leaves me a week and a half to read the last two books, so I’m not at all worried. I’ve left reviews for each of these titles on Goodreads, so you can see what I liked about each one.


case-of-missing-crossThe Case of the Missing Cross by Felicia Rogers. This was part of the Nine Ladies Dancing anthology (which included my newest Christmas release). I decided to read the other books in the anthology, and discovered this fascinating mystery. I loved the interaction between the two main characters. It’s part of a series, so I plan to read more about this regency couple!


no-job-for-a-womanNo Job for a Woman by Sherry Gloag. This is another title in the Nine Ladies Dancing anthology. I loved the heroine. She’s a young widow, fighting to keep her lands from the clutches of a greedy neighbor. She’s smart and determined, but she knows when to listen to the advice of others. The hero is – well, he’s a true hero. There’s also a mystery that comes to a surprising conclusion.


the-duke-of-christmas-pastThe Duke of Christmas Past by Kim Bowman. This is yet another title in the Nine Ladies Dancing anthology. The title suggests that it’s a re-telling of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and while there are similarities, there are enough differences to make this a unique tale. I felt so awful for the things the hero had suffered, and hoped he would be able to change things to make a happy ending.


ice-angelIce Angel by Elizabeth Hanbury. This book is also included in the Nine Ladies Dancing anthology, and it’s another winner. Lady Vane is another strong woman, despite having suffered abuse. When her husband dies in a freak accident, she discovers she is quite impoverished. The Earl of Bramwell has his work cut out for him getting her to trust him. I love Elizabeth’s writing style. It’s lyrical but not flowery. She tells the story with just enough description that I could “see” what was happening, but not enough to bog down the action.


passion-cowboy-stylePassion, Cowboy Style by Shana Gray. This very spicy story was a diversion from the books I usually read, but it was fun. The book was part of the Seasoned Romance (stories with more mature characters) event in which I participated. I bought several books during this event because I wanted to see how other authors dealt with older characters, but this book’s hero was in his late thirties – not exactly what I’d consider Seasoned! This is a nice story about two people from completely different worlds, and I wondered how they would manage to make things work. Would a woman so used to living in the fast lane really be truly happy giving all that up?


keris-chr-wishKeri’s Christmas Wish by Pamela S. Thibodeaux. I hosted this is inspirational romance when the author asked me to take part in her release blog tour. When I host a book at my blog I like to read it before featuring it. In this book, the hero was a bit too perfect for my taste – for example, the man made his bed as soon as he got out of it, and cleaned out the tub as soon as he showered. Frankly, I wouldn’t find that appealing – but other than that the characters were likeable, and the story was interesting.


silent-signalsSilent Signals by Linda Carroll-Bradd. Linda belongs to Authors Helping Authors, an online support group I belong to. When she needed reviews for this short novella I volunteered, because I’ve read previous books by Linda and enjoyed them. The characters in this story are unusual – Anora has been raised as a tomboy by her crusty sheepherding grandfather, and Conrad owns a nearby cattle farm. Problems from other neighbors make these two unlikely allies, and their relationship deepens.


starlight-innStarlight Inn by Lucie Ulrich. Lucie was my guest here at Four Foxes, One Hound last week. I loved her story about a rural New England inn, and I especially enjoyed Tillie, one of the minor characters. Since Lucie has mentioned wanting to give this character another story or two, I hope to read more about her!



ice-captains-daughterThe Ice Captain’s Daughter by S. G. Rogers. I’ve been a fan Ms Rogers’ books for several years, especially her historical romances. The Ice Captain’s Daughter is another wonderful story about a feisty heroine who refuses to settle for anything less than a husband who loves her. It’s set during the Victorian era, and I learned so much about the time period from this story.


I’ve started on book 49 and I’ve got book 50 all loaded up on my Kindle app, so I’ll tell you all about them next month!


What have you read lately?

About Patricia Kiyono

During her first career, Patricia Kiyono taught elementary music, computer classes, elementary classrooms, and junior high social studies. She now teaches music education at the university level. She lives in southwest Michigan with her husband, not far from her five children, nine grandchildren (so far), and great-granddaughters. Current interests, aside from writing, include sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking, and music. A love of travel and an interest in faraway people inspires her to create stories about different cultures. Check out her sweet historical contemporary romances at her Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-Kiyono/e/B0067PSM5C/
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8 Responses to TBR #11: Yearly Goal Almost Met!

  1. J.Q. Rose says:

    Kudos to you, Pat, for your amazing support of authors.Spreading the word about the books and leaving reviews are so helpful for authors and readers. Congratulations for meeting your reading goal on Goodreads. I just finished the delightful Starlight Inn by Lucie Uhlrich too. Really enjoyed the story and the setting. I too hope Tillie will be in another story soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jeff7salter says:

    I recognize most of these names. each title looks interesting.
    Wish I could carve out more time to read.
    You amaze me, Patty, at how you’re able to balance your reading, writing, networking, crafting, music, and home activities

    Liked by 1 person

    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      I used to bemoan my lack of reading time. Now I do it while doing other things – like eating, waiting at the doctor’s office, or standing in line at the check-out lane at Christmastime! It’s called multi-tasking.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Interesting choices! I guess better a real neat-freak than a real slob, according to Keri!
    As for the Cowboy, this reminds me about the Facebook post that was going around from the man who said that his wife is no longer the young girl he fell for but now that they have been together so long ,she is a mature mother and he finds her just as attractive,or moreso,….but she’s TWENTY-SEVEN! (Shoot, I wasn’t married until I was 28.)
    I would have crashed if I’d set a goal for myself in reading this year.I am struggling to find time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      I wouldn’t be attracted to a real slob either, but I think a too-neat hero would have expectations I would not be able to meet. Then again, he probably wouldn’t be attracted to me, either. A mature mom at twenty-seven? I was not quite a mom at that point! It’s surprising what some people are calling Seasoned characters.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love Justice and Quinn. I’ve read every book in that series. Felicia does an incredible job creating characters that I love.

    I’m reading Starlight Inn now and have to say Tillie is my favorite character in the story. .

    It sounds like I need to bump Nine Ladies Dancing to the top of my list.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Patricia Kiyono says:

      I’ve got the second Justice and Miss Quinn downloaded and ready to start out 2017! I think I’ll go for 50 again – that’s one a week! You’ll love the Nine Ladies Dancing anthology – they’re all sweet historical romances.


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