A Book VS a Movie? Votes??

books vs movies

I know I’ve read books and seen the movies afterwards, but I can’t remember an example.  (bad memory here, remember?)  So, this is going to be short and sweet.  What I do remember is probably the same as the rest of 4f1h; the movie was NEVER as good as the book.  It’s impossible for movies to reproduce everything that happens in a book or to reproduce anything a reader has seen with their mind’s eye.  IMHO  😉


What’s your vote?

About pjharjo

Janette is an author of Romantic Paranormal Fantasy. CONNECTIONS, her first series, is Indie published. You can follow her or sign up for her newsletter, and learn more about her new releases as they become available, at http://www.authorjanetteharjo.blogspot.com She lives in the beautiful and prolific Pacific NW of the USA.
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10 Responses to A Book VS a Movie? Votes??

  1. I am afraid that I disagree that the movie is NEVER as good as the book, Janette, and I will give examples in my posts.


  2. jeff7salter says:

    I’m still struggling to come up with examples… but hopefully I’ll think of some before Hound Day.
    BTW, I like that visual — in many cases, that’s exactly right.


  3. pjharjo says:

    I liked the visual, too, Jeff. It shows I’m not the only one with that opinion. 🙂 Good Luck on finding some examples! I couldn’t, hence my short and sweet post.


  4. I would think that the movie would be DIFFERENT from the book, but I’m not sure it would always be inferior. Things have to be left out due to time constraints, but then who remembers all those details anyway?


  5. Ann Kilter says:

    Sometimes I don’t have time to read the book.


  6. For the most part yes, the book is superior. I would rather read than watch a movie though. I do love the graphic.


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