Kelly Martin- 30 Second Writer Tips

This week I asked author Kelly Martin if she would like to be a guest poster. I adore Kelly’s books and subscribe to her Youtube channel. Here is Kelly…..
I admit it… I’m a ‘writer tip’ junkie.
What does that mean? Okay, I could honestly spend hours… HOURS… on the internet looking up blogs, videos, posts, tweets, whatever on the subject of writer tips.
Back story, I published my first book in October 2012. I wrote the first draft in November 2011 (yeah, it was a nanowrimo. I LOVE nanowrimo!). So I’ve been looking for writer tips for a few years.
At first, it was the basic things: how to edit a book, what is a synopsis, what is a query letter, how to find and agent, how to find a small press… things like that.
And, honestly, I could spend all day researching all things writing because I find it so darn interesting. I still can to be fair…
Then came 2015.
I have 13 books published { #14 on the way} and I found that I’m looking for something… different.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I still LOVE writer tip blogs/vlogs (in fact, my favorite writer BLOG is Jo Michael’s blog and my favorite writer VLOG is Read Ink by Amy Leigh Strickland. Click the links! I promise. You won’t regret it! #theyrock). 
But I wanted to know about those days when you sort of want to give up, or when you wonder why you spend so much time on a book, or what book to write next, or when you get so caught up in marketing you don’t see the ‘forest for the trees’… stuff like that… stuff that I know lots of ‘veteran’ authors deal with (and even new authors to be honest) and I wasn’t finding want I wanted.
So, you know how they say if you can’t find the book you want to read, write it?
I started vlogging about it.
ZOMBIE COWS| 30 second writer tip
Save the WALLS| 30 second writer tip
So yeah… I made my own 😉 Click here for Kelly’s youtube channel
Writers are a community. We are a great community of people who want to help each other learn and grow. I am so grateful to get to be a part of it, and I love that I get to give back.
What are my videos about? Well, my videos deal with the ‘heart’ of the writer, I suppose. Dealing with bad reviews, when you want to quit, when you want to write what’s *popular* “just because”, when you just need a friend to lean on… stuff like that. Because I think it is important to get tips in those areas equally as much as tips on grammar and querying.
I’d love you to stop by my youtube channel: martiekay {Kelly Martin} and check them out (truth be told… the 2 I already have in this post are the ones I have on the channel 😉 ). Subscribe if you are so inclined so you can see more tips when they are uploaded. I am a youtube fangirl.
What about you? What struggles do you have as a writer? What would you like to find information on? I’d love to hear from you. You can leave a comment here or send me an email at kellymartin215 @ 
Can’t wait to chat! ❤
Thanks for having me here today! 
Kelly Martin is a bestselling author of contemporary, historical, and YA romance. She has been married for over ten years and has three rowdy, angelic daughters. When she’s not writing, she loves watching horror gamers on YouTube– even though she’s a huge wimp– and drinking white chocolate mochas. She’s a total fangirl, loves the 80s and 90s, and has a sad addiction to a certain British boy band (shhhh). Her favorite characters are the ‘bad guys’– especially those who, in their mind, are the heroes of the story. She loves helping her characters fight for their ever after.If you ever have a question or comment, feel free to email her at kellymartin215 @ yahoo . com ♥ You can follow her writing adventure at

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~*~*Kelly’s Internet Dwellings*~*~
instagram: kellymartin215

About Angela Schroeder

Angela Schroeder is a single mother of three. She was born and raised in Iowa in a river town known for its pearl buttons. Having four siblings, she never lacked for someone to play with. As she grew older, she found herself pulled into books and writing more and more. Her parents are her heroes, her siblings her confidants and tormentors, and her children are a wonderful blessing. Church is important to her children and her. They enjoy the friendships they’ve made with the people there. Writing has always been a passion. Her first experience was in fifth grade when she went to a one-day writing conference. After that she knew it was something she wanted to pursue.
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9 Responses to Kelly Martin- 30 Second Writer Tips

  1. Jeanne says:

    I remember proofing that first book of yours, Kelly! It was a very enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, though, the only books I’ve had time to read lately are the ones I’m editing/proofing for other writers. Still working on what was a NaNoWriMo for another author last year, and this novel has grown into a monster! (I happen to think it’s a very good monster. But then again, I’ve put a lot of creative input into it myself, so I may be a bit biased. 😉 This will be her first published work, too, if we can find someone to tackle it. Got a few good leads, though!

    It’s always great to hear tips from others, so thanks for sharing!


    • Kelly Martin says:

      Jeanne!!! Hi 🙂 That’s very nice of you to help her and get her first nano ready to be put into the world. I love Nano. LOVE IT! I fail at camp nano, though. Sigh. Let me know when it comes out! ❤


  2. jeff7salter says:

    You asked about our struggles.
    My biggest struggle as a writer is actually two distinct things which somehow work together to hammer me.
    1. I tend to piddle and procrastinate. FB “causes” a lot of it, but I can also come up with a dozen other things to piddle with instead of tackling the WIP I should be working on.
    2. Once I get rolling, there’s ALWAYS one or more huge interruptions, schedule changes, or I have to drop everything to go somewhere,
    The way these two work together is that I use up a huge chunk of my “writing-available” time and once I finally get rolling… the interruptions & distractions descend on me.


    • Kelly Martin says:

      YES! I completely agree. Facebook and youtube (well, watching other videos, as ironic as that is) takes away from my writing time. OR when I am in the writing groove, a kid will need something 😉 I need to retrain my brain to focus. 🙂


  3. Thank you so much for being here today Kelly.
    I spent 2 WEEKS on my blurb for Jade. I think that is the hardest thing for me, I find it so hard to summarize the story in two paragraphs without giving anything major away.


  4. Patricia Kiyono says:

    I love Kelly’s videos! You amaze me with your energy.
    As for writing struggles, right now I’m dealing with characters I don’t like. It seems that in order to get one of the main characters to complete his/her character arc the other one ends up looking/sounding like a wimp or a prop. And of course there are the distractions Jeff talked about. It seems each time I’m distracted it takes longer to get back to what I was supposed to be doing!


  5. Welcome here, Kelly! I find your videos very funny! As always,I wish you great success. Interruptions are relentless here.


  6. pjharjo says:

    Great Interview! 🙂 Thanks for hosting Kelly, Angela!


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