Guest: Author Felicia Guillot Rogers

Today I welcome author Felicia Guillot Rogers, an author who is also in publishing with Clean Reads, (formerly Astraea Press). Felicia and I have many mutual friends, including some of my fellow bloggers here.

Author Felicia Rogers

Author Felicia Rogers

I find Felicia’s many series novels to be fascinating! She writes mainly Mystery/Romance and many are historical.

Let’s let her tell us more.

Welcome, Felicia.
I think most novels, especially romance novels, contain both romance and mystery. How do you decide which, if either, is more significant to your story?

Honestly I don’t feel like I decide which is more significant, the story elements just sort of happen as I write. Although in general it seems like the mystery is in control and the romance flows from it.

You generally write in series. Do you plan it that way, or when you write, do your stories and characters insist on you continuing? Does it all flow out quickly, or do you plot and look for more?

Depends. When I wrote Maralie, under the pin name F. A. Rogers, I knew I wanted a long series. However, when I wrote There Your Heart Will Be Also, Duncan Sinclair begged for his own story. I just couldn’t leave him.
As for the plot sometimes it just comes all at once and I see the ending at the same time as the beginning, like with The Key. I actually wrote the last chapter first. Other times the plot comes a piece at a time. The story really dictates what happens.

Felicia Roger's "Maralie"

Felicia Roger’s “Maralie”

Do you write in any other genre?

So far I have only written in the romance and romantic suspense genre. Although I’ve been considering trying my hand at a non-fiction book about homeschooling with a goal of college. I’ve assisted my son through the long process and in recent months other moms have come to me for help. I thought writing a novel would be a good way to assist others with the process.

Where do you get your inspiration, especially for, let’s say, your Wounded Soldier series?

The Wounded Soldiers series was inspired by Voice of the Martyrs, a Christian group that helps Christians in hostile nations. When I was the director of a church drama team I was amazed by how many people don’t know that slavery still exists. I’d been reading about it every month in the VOM publications yet so many people were left in the dark. I wanted to use Diamond Mine, the first book in the series, to bring attention to the slavery plight. Afterward, I used the series to point out other problems that Christians face.

Felicia Roger's  "Diamond Mine"

Felicia Roger’s
“Diamond Mine”

How do you do your research, (which must be considerable)?

Mostly I use the internet for research. I’ve also bought books on the subject, visited actual locations—like for the Southern Hearts series, I loved my plantation tours—questioned knowledge people, and order information from countries. The German maps I requested from Germany while studying to teach Geography in my homeschooling co-op came in handy for not only Letters in the Grove but A Month in Cologne as well.

Some of your work is historical. Is there any particular time that you enjoy writing about more than others?

I think my favorite time period to write about in history is the 1550s because it was a time of rich historical significance. So much happens during this time that involves the Protestant Reformation.

Besides your job of being a mom, I know you are also in publishing. How did you get started?

I don’t really have an actually job with a publishing company, other than being an author. However, a friend started Dingbat Publishing and I help with promotion by running the company facebook page.[I guess that’s where I got the idea-T]

Felicia Roger's  "There Your Heart Will Be Also"

Felicia Roger’s
“There Your Heart Will Be Also”


I can’t imagine that you have any extra time, but are there any other activities that are a big part of your life?

Currently I participate in church activities as well as being a big part of my local homeschool co-op. I teach a Speech class, assist in a Biology class, and help with administrative duties.

How can our readers learn more about you and your works?

Readers can learn more about my work by visiting my website at or my facebook page at and at

Thank you for joining us today, Felicia Guillot Rogers. Just in time for St. Valentine’s Day, Felicia has a few special offers: “Maralie”  is FREE on Amazon and you can also pick up “There Will Your Heart Be Also” and “Diamond Mine”  for only $.99 each there,  as well.

Felicia Rogers born and raised in the southern part of the United States is a Christian wife and mother, with a side interest– writing. She won the Celebrate the Season Contest by Solstice Publishing in Sept. 2010 allowing her first novella, “The Holiday Truce” to be published. Since then she has published more than fifteen novels and novellas.

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
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6 Responses to Guest: Author Felicia Guillot Rogers

  1. Patricia Kiyono says:

    Welcome, Felicia! Lovely interview. Your output amazes me. How wonderful that your research for one purpose (German geography) came into play for two of your books! Sounds like you’re a busy lady, and it’s always great when your work can do double duty.


  2. jeff7salter says:

    Greetings to my colleague Felicia.
    as I recall, you also had a short story in C.R.’s Valentine anthology — right?
    I like your description of how your stories tend to establish the directions for you. That’s how it is for me: “the story really dictates what happens”.
    Funny side note (about the order of writing).
    I recently completed a shot novel in which I wrote the beginning third and then jumped to the ending third — the middle had only been partly sketched out. Well, once I returned to the middle to flesh it out, I found a bunch of things had changed! So I had to do a lot of overhaul to bring the middle into harmony with the beginning and end.


  3. Thank you so much for the interview, Tonette.

    Jeff, I do not have a novella in the CR anthology. I have lots of other novellas though!

    Patricia, it was grateful to have the maps when I started the “journey” across Germany. I feel like it gave the two stories more genuine depth.


    • Thank YOU for jumping in with the interview,Felicia.
      I knew I had met Felicia through you in some manner, Jeff.
      To both of you: I had an experience that everyone who heard about it said it would make a great story:I wrote the last two lines first.

      Liked by 1 person

    • jeff7salter says:

      Hmm. It was a story about diamonds from one of the regions which uses slave labor. I thought that was yours.


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