Guest:Author Sheena Austen

Today I’d like to introduce you to a young, up and coming romance author, Sheena Austin. Sheena’s first book, “Returning to Mr. Darcy”, was published by Kingston this past July.


Sheena Austin returning-to-mr-darcy_orig

She and I have a few things in common. Both of us were born in Maryland, but later moved to Virginia.  We both have a weakness for cats.

Let’s hear more about her life and writing.


Welcome, Sheena Austin!

Before you were offered a contract for your book, you self-published on Amazon. Would you advise this route?  What would you have done differently?

If I could do anything differently, I would have taken my chances and submitted to Kingston Publishing sooner. However, I did not know about them until after two months of being self-published. Kingston Publishing has given me more marketing tools and exposure than I had on my own. It would have saved me on paying for editing and I wouldn’t have had to go through several editors and beta readers who ghosted me. It was a total nightmare not finding someone reliable to help me out when they said they would. While self-publishing had it good moments, I would say meeting a great group of authors and readers was the upside to it. Now that I’m with a publisher I get to meet more great authors who are supportive and uplifting.


The inspiration for Returning to Mr. Darcy was, as anyone can guess, Jane Austen’s “Pride and the Prejudice”. What in particular led you to formulate your story?

Honestly, it started out with a scene that kept popping into my head and Mr. Darcy worked himself into it later.


Did you do any research on the times, or just take your cues from P&P? I did some research and took some cues from P&P.

 I went to Colonial Williamsburg and my boyfriend and I went into the apothecary shop and I picked her brain about drugs used back then.


The surreal elements of the story are major components to “Mr. Darcy”.  Are you a fan of Sci-fi, horror and/or suspense?

I am honestly more of a sci-fi fan.  I don’t like horror at all. I do like suspense, I’m a huge fan of Dean Koontz. 

Most of the story is quite serious, but when one out-of-time/out-of-the-world visitor shows up and claims to be Lady Agatha Christie, I nearly choked on my drink! Do we also have being Agatha Christie fans in common?

I love Agatha Christie! I fell in love with her while reading “Murder on the Orient Express.”


Was it a particular fondness for Jane Austen’s works that led you to choose a form of her name for your nom de plume? (I have a real fondness for her heroes!)

Yes, it was! It took me awhile to figure out what direction I wanted to go with my nom de plume.  I need my privacy and I don’t need future employers to find out that I write semi naughty romance novels!


What other types of works do you enjoy reading?

I enjoy mysteries, YA, fantasy, and time travel romance.

Do you plan on continuing with romance writing, or have you considered other genres? Do you write in any other form (poetry, lyrics, short stories)?

I’m currently working on a sequel to “Returning to Mr. Darcy,” but that is up in the air, whether I will publish that later on or not.  I also submitted a YA fantasy piece to an anthology for charity.  I used to write tons of poetry, but I haven’t written a poem in a couple of years.

Your intimate scenes are descriptive enough to make Mr. Darcy an adult-only read. Have you considered writing YA? I ask because I know that, like so many other writers, you have been a teacher.  Also, please tell our readers about your teaching career plans.

As I stated above, I wrote a YA fantasy short piece for an anthology. I have two more YA pieces that are in the works. 

For my teaching plans, that is up in the year. I have been applying to Special Education positions, but nothing has stuck yet. I hope one day to be working in an Autism classroom.

Learn more about Sheena and her works by clicking on the links below:

Author page:




Facebook Group:


Thank you for being my guest, Sheena Austin!

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
This entry was posted in author interview, author's life, authors, book covers, Books, careers, characters, epublishing, experiences, fantasy, Guest, Guest author, interview, memories, Miscellaneous, novels, Pen names, pets, protagonists, publishing, reading, research, self-publishing, The Author Life, Tonette Joyce, traditional publishing, using talents, YA and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Guest:Author Sheena Austen

  1. JC Jacobson says:

    Great Q&A!
    Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors so this sounds awesome!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jane Austin is one of the best loved authors of all time; just look at her ‘staying power’! That should prove a great deal.Her heroes are truly incredible. When The Husband was teaching, I used to tell him to point his students to her novels.I hoped that it would help the girls look for men with their qualities and the boys to be as honorable,but more girls than boys read the books, I am sure.I am pleased that my sons and grandson have reached out a bit in their reading than most males.
      Thanks, Jacob!


    • Sheena Austin says:

      Thank you! I hope I did Jane Austen justice 🙂


  2. Patricia Kiyono says:

    Welcome, Sheena. I agree with you about the advantages of going through a publisher rather than self-publishing. I know I make a lot less money per book, but I know it’s a quality product and I don’t have to bother with the mechanics of getting the book for sale. Your historical romance sounds lovely. Best wishes for its success!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t imagine ‘going it alone’, Patty. I don’t personally know anyone who has had great success (or much at all) self-publishing, although many have suggested that I try.Nope!


    • Sheena Austin says:

      Thank you for the warm welcome! I think I made more self-publishing than I will with my publisher. I kind of miss not having to pay a percentage to another person.


  3. Hello Sheena and welcome to Four Foxes One Hound. I wish you all the best with your book. I haven’t tried going the self publishing route yet, honestly it scares me a little. I like having a publisher there to help me through the process.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Few authors that I know are making any real money, Angie, and frankly, paying to publish just seems wrong all the way around.


    • Sheena Austin says:

      Hello, thank you for the warm greeting! Self-publishing isn’t so bad, I promise 🙂 I actually sold more than I expected on my own. I even made it to the top 100 on Amazon without trying! I pimped myself out a lot.


  4. Jeff Salter says:

    Sheena, welcome to 4F1H. Tonette has brought us yet another interesting guest fox.
    You’ll probably hate hearing this, but I’ve never read P&P. I’ve researched that book a lot, because one of my novels had numerous references to ti. One of these days I’ll go back and read P&P and — after finally learning about the original Darcy, I’ll try to grab your story and see where you took him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jeff. I have been seeking people out who are different. Many of us have so many of the same friends, seek out fresh faces. I have been quite lucky.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sheena Austin says:

      Hello Jeff! It actually doesn’t bother me when people say they haven’t read P&P. I actually didn’t read it until I started my book. I bought it for research purposes. I did, however, watch the movie a couple of times with Colin Firth.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Elaine Cantrell says:

    Great interview! I love Colonial Williamsburg.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Elaine! I lived in VA for 23 years, yet never got to Williamsburg!


    • Sheena Austin says:

      I’m so happy Tonette interviewed me 🙂 Also, Colonial Williamsburg was fun! We got a pass to see tour three buildings and we actually got to go into more than three buildings because the actors were so nice and didn’t want us to waste our last punch. I had one actor pick on me and make me blush.

      Liked by 1 person

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