Out With the Old,In With the New

Here we are in the beginning of 2014… and how did THAT happen?! I once wrote in a poem:
As years go past, they travel fast,
Though days can seem so long.

But gee, this year, not even the days seemed long!
We are to discuss our hopes for the coming year, well, gosh, I hate to jinx it all by talking!
I have been waiting for one break in my life for a long time now, and I still have hope for it to come. But , I’ll let you know when it happens.

One the other hand, I know a lot of change is up to me. I am getting away from being an insecure “keeper” and am finally getting through to my packrat husband,(I hope). My efforts have been put on hold because of a temporary return to the nest of #1 Son, but I now have a new reason for the need to make things more streamlined here, that being an additional physical problem. It is not going away, but it isn’t going to kill me. I will have to do some re-thinking about what I can no longer do. I realize that I may as well give a number of items away that relate to activities I should no longer indulge in that may cause more pain or may not even be possible for me to do at all…or to do well. Some of this is what I had enjoyed doing and had even  done professionally, but strangely, I am not very upset about most of it. It is almost liberating: New activities, (or those I had neglected), will now have a time and place in my life. And it will free up even more room.

I may be pushing it but I this year I plan on growing an herb garden, a small one. A New Year’s resolution for me is to manage my time better. I had fallen into a cycle of letting some jobs overwhelm me, causing me to let them bog me down until they were almost overwhelming and I HAD to get them done and work extra hard to do so by that point. No, I want to be back to having a manageable home, a fully useable one…and it won’t take but the right amount of time , a little at a time. Rather like weeding a garden.

I plan to allow myself to give up on some dreams or plans and opt for new ones…again, weeding, as it were.

This year I plan on getting to my cousin’s daughter’s wedding in my mother’s home state and seeing the family members I call but have not seen in DECADES,(more than a few in many cases).

This year I plan to submit more articles and stories; I am especially bolstered by my recent success at getting a couple of things in print. I plan to finish that novel I started,(…yes, me, a novel, the romance novel I talked about last week). And since I found that it is very difficult to have an unagented play even looked-at, I am determined to translate the one I have written into a story, (now that I finally decided on the POV.)

This year I plan to finish the children’s stories I started. They have been trying to spring forth, so I know they can be done. I just need to do them. I need to take the time.

This year I hope to continue to get to a few more intellectual/social activities. Because of certain family situations that I allowed to dictate and dominate my life, I hadn’t made it to many functions in the past decade. Things have started to change and hopefully, that will continue and even improve, ( that is one of the long-term hopes that will not fade…and I hate to jinx that one, I can tell you).

So, with high hopes there should be big, fresh starts for me this year.
I hope you have goals that are wonderful and within your reach…go for them!

Any you care to share here? (Friends , relatives, readers: although I appreciate your comments on Facebook, won’t you please leave a comment about here below?)

About Tonette Joyce

Tonette was a once-fledgling lyricists-bookkeeper, turned cook/baker/restaurateur and is now exploring different writing venues,(with a stage play recently completed). She has had poetry and nonfiction articles published in the last few years. Tonette has been married to her only serious boyfriend for more than thirty years and she is, as one person described her, family-oriented almost to a fault. Never mind how others have described her, she is,(shall we say), a sometime traditionalist of eclectic tastes.She has another blog : "Tonette Joyce:Food,Friends,Family" here at WordPress.She and guests share tips and recipes for easy entertaining and helps people to be ready for almost anything.
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18 Responses to Out With the Old,In With the New

  1. Great resolutions! I love herb gardens, and really, for your first year, you can do a potted garden and it is slightly easier to maintain. I’ve always wanted to do an Italian herb container garden :basil, oregano, parsley and thyme. I think it would smell delish! I have a big beautiful rosemary plant that I’m always running out and trimming for a chicken or pork dish!


    • Thanks,Kate. I did great with container gardening when I was in Colorado.I had a townhouse without much yard and a lot of back deck, but not so well here in Kentucky.I have a pretty green thumb when it comes to in-ground plants, but I am death to indoor ones! Seriously. We have a philodendron which is about 25 years old,(it came with us from Denver), but I truly believe that is only because it belongs to my husband;he won it as a door prize! His work sent a plant this Summer when his father died…I hope it hangs in there.I keep telling it that it belongs to him!
      I have a nice spot right off the side door that we always use and that is where I am going to try the herbs.The irises that were there overcrowded and have died back, as did the hostas.They were far from thriving there and I moved most of the plants; some were sacrificed.(Don’t tell the fairies!)
      You can bet a lot of the herbs will be Italian!


  2. jeff7salter says:

    better time management — me too
    I think it’s great that you’re going to work that play into a format with much better market possibilities.
    And if I didn’t already say so, congratulations on starting that novel!


  3. mjanevalquist says:

    Sending you good writing vibes! Good luck in 2014!


  4. pjharjo says:

    Giving up things that I am no longer ale to do – that’s something I won’t allow myself to face, yet. My body’s still strong. 🙂 I hope 2014 sees all your goals accomplished, Tonette


  5. Iris B says:

    Tonette … it sounds like you’re going to have a wonderful year ahead of you. I look forward to reading your novel and kids story, I’m sure they turn out a bestseller !!!!
    As for time management, I know what you mean … I try every year and fail miserably … LOL
    I hope you’ll have a very successful year in everything you start, finish and plan.


    • Thank you,Iris….although your time management-failure doesn’t inspire me!!!LOL!
      We’ll see how it goes;as I said,I hate to speak too soon.


      • Iris B says:

        LOL – apologies !!!! Time management is something I desperately need, although mum always says a simple “no” might be more helpful here and there 😉


      • LOL! I have put myself in a position here,Iris, but where there is a need…?The years go fast,indeed and lfe changes.I mightbe speaking too soon,but I can say that it’s better than it was at one time.
        Here’s to better time management!


  6. 2013 really flew past! funny! days do sometimes are slow but years pass by in a jiffy.


  7. I hope 2014 is a great year for you,Sharmishtha!


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