Stress Anyone?


My topic this week – “How do you deal with unexpected stress?” When I thought of this as a subject to blog on; I was undergoing “unexpected stress” and suppose I was looking for the therapy of seeing how others deal with it. Sad to say, I initially hide my stress behind denial, like the picture infers.

But I was born a survivor and when that kicks in I have no choice but to realize the world will go on and being who I am means that I will go on, too. I’m programmed to look for the good in this life, which begins with my writing. Writing makes me happy and all the worlds I create in my writing do indeed “make the world go away.” 🙂 When I’m not writing I keep myself busy with everything else that needs to be done in a day.

IOW I don’t allow myself to sit quietly, which allows my mind to wander and the “poor me” demon to take up residence in it.

There are all kinds of ways to keep myself busy; I’m really enjoying the meet-up groups I’ve recently discovered. Between them, my momma, an online dating site I’ve joined and my writing, there isn’t enough time in the day to be stressed!

How about you?  Am I the only one who retreats into Denial?

About pjharjo

Janette is an author of Romantic Paranormal Fantasy. CONNECTIONS, her first series, is Indie published. You can follow her or sign up for her newsletter, and learn more about her new releases as they become available, at She lives in the beautiful and prolific Pacific NW of the USA.
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3 Responses to Stress Anyone?

  1. I’m still trying to wrap my head around how I am going to handle my Friday post,Janette, but as for denial. I can offer this: Whenever there was a crisis in the family, my mother would fall asleep! It would drive me absolutely bonkers. It made my stress level go on over-load.
    I am so glad that you have a good out-look and have much to fill your days.


  2. jeff7salter says:

    I’m still trying to figure out what to post on Hound Day, but I don’t think I’m usually in denial about stress. In fact, I seem only too aware of it. But I may have an ineffective means of DEALING with that stress.
    Definitely agree that hobbies — or vocations or avocations — can be a healthy avenue to be on while a person tries to work out the situations creating stress in their lives.
    And surely one of the most creative activities is WRITING.
    Of course, there are multiple components in deal with stress: one is handling the overload on one’s physical & emotional being. The other is dealing with the circumstances / situations which have caused the stress (or multiplied it).


  3. Patricia Kiyono says:

    I suppose I use what you might call denial when it comes to things I need to let go of. The welfare of my kids (they’re adults now) and my grandkids (unless I’m taking care of them, I need to trust my kids to be good parents) are things I think about and pray about, but can’t spend time worrying and fretting. The same goes for politics, and world affairs. Yes, I believe that everyone doing their part can change these things, but I choose not to let my blood pressure rise over them.


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